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Throughout the movie, I held Chris' hand because he was actually terrified. I really wasn't expecting that. But it was adorable. He even squeaked at some of the jump scares.

Now we were all walking out of the room to go home. Lydia and Amelia were in front of us.

"How did you not get scared! That was a nightmare!" He exclaimed making me laugh.

"I love scary movies! Especially if someone watching with me is afraid. Your face was priceless" he laughs too now.

"You're actually brave. I'm impressed." He smiles. "You're like a modern princess. Next thing you know you'll be saving me from a tower and slaying a dragon."

"I mean I am a princess-" I stop in my tracks as I realize what I just said. Amelia also stops and looks at me with wide eyes. I nervously laugh as I try to cover it up "You know..My name? Aurora is a disney princess..heh" 

Chris and Lydia seem confused and exchange looks with a raised eyebrow. It must be a family thing for them, raising their eyebrows. 

"Oh, yeah you are!" Chris says after the couple seconds of silence "That's it! Part of having a best friend is giving nicknames! You'll be princess from now on." He grins and nudges my shoulder with his. I feel the heat rising up my neck and to my cheeks. Our sisters smile at us. But I know Amelia is a little stressed about it. 

He cannot know I'm a princess. No one can.

Amelia and Lydia say goodbye to us as they get into Lydia's car and drive away.

"I'll figure out a nickname for you eventually." I tell him with a smile. I then yawn really hard, making a small squeal come out unintentionally. 

"Aww" he chuckles "You look really tired. You walked here right?" 

I nod sleepily, rubbing my eyes from under my glasses. 

"I can drive you back. My car is just down the road come on." He tells me, nodding towards the direction. 

I shake my head lightly, too tired to do anything. "No it's fine I can walk alone" I assure him.

He gives me a stern face, "It's late out and you can barely keep your eyes open. I can't let you go alone, it's way too dangerous. Now come on, I'm not taking no for an answer." He said and grabbed my hand, leading me to his car. 

As we're walking there, I feel my head droop on his shoulder. He's a bit taller than me so it's really comfortable. I can feel his muscles through the soft fabric of his hoodie.

"Thanks." I mumble with a smile, my eyes already closed.

" I mumble with a smile, my eyes already closed

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I look at her sleepy figure as she rests her head on my shoulder. I don't even try to fight the smile forming on my face.

I seem to do that a lot ever since I met her. She just gives off a vibe that makes me happy. Her smile is really contagious, and she's way too adorable.

I couldn't let her walk back this late out all alone. I feel a sense of protection over her.

I can't deny the blush creeping up on my cheeks as I admire her beauty. 

I don't know what this feeling is. But It couldn't be love. I don't believe in love at first sight. It's stupid. Though I do believe in best friends. So that's what I'll be to her. if anything happens in the future, it happens. But right now, we're perfect as friends. 

"Thanks." She mumbles with a tired smile.

"Anytime, princess." I reply softly.

We finally reach my car and I open the door for her as she sits there. I walk over to the driver's side and get in. Turning on the engine, I drive off to the address she's given me.

"Oh, I live one block below you! That's convenient." I say happily. She grins at me and looks out the window again. We sit in silence as I drive. But it's not awkward at all. For the very first time, the silence isn't giving me anxiety. It's comfortable.

I arrive at an apartment building and she smiles at me once more, leaning over to give me a hug.

"Thanks a lot Chris. I really appreciate this. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight" She says "Oh and text me once you get home safely."

"Don't mention it. And I will, don't worry. Goodnight princess." I smile at her before she gets out of the car and walks to her building. Turning back one more time to wave at me.

This is something special. 

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