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"I did not expect you to know fencing" I pant as I plunge my épée forward but Aurora is much faster and dodges, swinging her own épée and touching my chest with it's point. She looks at me with a smirk as she pants slightly, not very tired from the match.

She won yet again.

"I didn't expect you to know how either." She stated with a smile, walking away to drink some water. I follow along, needing to hydrate myself after and intense match with her.

"You're actually pretty good, cap."

"I mean, I hope so, I've been doing it for three years after all." I chuckle "Thanks though."

"Fast learner, I see." She smiles.

"I guess." I run my fingers through my blonde locks that was slightly stuck to my forehead because of the sweat. "What about you?"

"I started fencing when I was...eight? I think? I don't remember to be honest, but basically I've been practicing it a lot. I actually know how to handle a proper sword too." She explains and holy cow this girl has so many hidden talents that I'm starting to think she's some kind of alien, and not a human. 

And she said it so nonchalantly and with a smile as if everyone knows to fight with a sword. It's as if she doesn't realize how unique she is.

"Oh yeah, totally casual." I laugh and she join in, pushing me slightly.

She grabs a towel, drying the drops of sweat framing her forehead and underneath her glasses before she puts on her helmet and walks to where we had just finished our fourth match. Usually other girls use make up to look better, but she somehow looks great even with sweat dripping from her jawline.

"Come on, Cap." She faces me and I can hear the smirk on her lips "En garde!"

I help a blindfolded Aurora walk safely to where our next activity is

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I help a blindfolded Aurora walk safely to where our next activity is.

An adventure park; full of zip lines, climbing walls, obstacle courses...

This is gonna be awesome.

"Is the blindfold really necessary?" She huffs, making her rosy cheeks fill up with air like a chipmunk. It's adorable.

"Yes it is, we're here anyways so you can take it off." She takes it off in a rush before squinting at the name of the place hanging on the gate.



"You do realize I can't see shit without my glasses right?"

"Oh, right."

Handing her her purple glasses, she puts it on, blinking a few times as her vision adjusts to- well, seeing. She looks up and her eyes widen as her face drains of its color.

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