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Today is me and Aya's first day as college students. We have 20 minutes until our first class starts; Fashion 101.

So therefore I must look amazing.

Which would be easy...


Aya already chose an outfit and has started on her hair and make up.

"Ayaaaaa!!" I call her, drawing out her name while doing so.

"What, Scarlet?" She asks coming into my room.

"I don't know what to wear! Help me!" I whine.

Wow I definitely sound like a brat. Come on Scarlet, get yourself together!

'Wow that was fast' I think as Aya pulls out an outfit from my closet. 

She chose a pink tank top with a floral cardigan and some white leggings with a pair of beige sandals.

huh..that's pretty cute actually!

"I know it is," Aya smirks. Was I thinking out loud? "Now come on! we only have 15 minutes til class starts! Hurry up!" She demands.

I nod and quickly get ready before we head out the door and to our very first class of the year.

I nod and quickly get ready before we head out the door and to our very first class of the year

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My first class is obviously my main class; English literature.

I got here 10 minutes early just to be safe. Soon students started coming in one by one and once the professor came in, I expected that he'd start the class, but he said he'll wait longer for any students that might be lost on their way here. 

So now I'm just sitting down here alone, reading a book.

I hear every pair or group of students talk to each other and laugh. Quite loudly might I add. But it makes me feel so lonely...

I mean, yes I did come with Seema, but I wouldn't mind having other friends than her and my sisters.

I look around the room and spot a girl sitting in the back, her head stuck in a book. I smile, happy that someone else loves books as much as me.

I go over to her and introduce myself.

"Hi! I'm Amelia. I couldn't but notice you were reading peter pan! I love that book! Mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all! I'm Lydia by the way. And yeah, I love this book as well!"

 And yeah, I love this book as well!"

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"Oh my god, Aya, look!!" I squeal while turning my friend's head towards the door as a really cute guy walks in.

"You mean the really cute guy?" 

"Yes!! Go talk to him!!" I nudge her.

"What?" her eyes widen "No! Why would I do that? You go talk to him!" She resists, her cheeks turning bright pink.

"But he's perfect for you -I think...ANYWAYS! You're gonna talk to him and that's that. I ship it"

 I ship it"

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"Oh I love that book! I stayed up the whole day to read it when I first got it!" Lydia exclaims.

"I heard there's a movie of it coming out soon. I doubt It'll be as good as the book, but it's worth a shot. How about we watch it together? I can invite my friend Seema as well! She's a fellow bookworm" I suggest and she nods excitedly.

"Yeah that would be perfect!"

"I wonder how my sisters are doing..." I mutter under my breath.

"Oh, you have sisters?" She asks me and I nod in response.

"Yeah I have two little sisters. They're both in college though." 

"What do they study?" She wonders.

"Scarlet is studying fashion, and Aurora is studying zoology." I explain.

"Oh! My little brother studies zoology too! His name is Chris." she informs.

"hmm..how about we set them up?" I joke.

"Actually..I'm in! It'd be nice to finally see him in love!" She agrees.

"I was joking." I laugh.

"yeah well I'm not. Unless you have a problem with it?" She tilts her head curiously. I shake my head no as a smile spreads on my face.

"Operation get them together starts today."

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