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Chris and I are watching Netflix at his place. We're bundled up on the couch with a huge fluffy blanket wrapped around us, various snacks and drinks on the small table in front of us.

I already packed everything yesterday so I can spend today with my new best friend.

We finish watching another episode of friends as another one loads on screen. I groan remembering tomorrow. I rest my head on Chris' shoulder and pout.

"What's wrong, princess?" he asks me, resting his head on mine.

"I just remembered that I have to leave to Avelyn tomorrow." I sigh "I don't wannaaaaaa." I whine like a five year old whose mom didn't allow them to get candy. Chris chuckles at me and sighs.

"I know, I don't want you to go either. But hey, your family needs you." He nudges me "You have to go."

I sigh and look down "yeah, you're right." If only I could tell him the truth.

"And since you'll be gone on your birthday, I planned a day full of adventure for us after you come back." He grins at me.

"You didn't!" I grin back.

"Oh but I did." He smirks. I laugh happily and hug him tightly, wrapping my arms around his waist as my head still rests on his shoulder. His arms wrap around my smaller figure and hugs me back just as tight.

"You really are the best friend ever. Thank you." I say with a soft smile.

"Anything for my best friend." He whispers as he pulls me tighter.

We stay cuddled up in the same position as we watch another episode of friends.

After that finishes, Chris puts on Cinderella.

"Noo~" I whine once more making Chris laugh and shake his head.

"Aw come on it's not that bad." He defends.

"I know it's not," I state "The movie is great, I love it. I just hate how Cinderella literally spent a couple hours and fell in love and agreed to marry him. And seriously? Couldn't the prince recognize her by her face?" I scoff "Some love that is." I mumble.

"Yeah you're right.." He admits. "Love at first sight is total bullshit"

I widen my eyes and grin at him excitedly.

"Finally someone gets it!" I laugh wholeheartedly.

"Cinderella sucks. Can we watch Mulan?" I give him my best puppy eyes that I know he can't resist. He groans and gives up. He turns off Cinderella and puts on Mulan.

"You do realize you unintendedly threw shade at your best friend, Ella, right?" He laughs.

"Oh yeah..heh forgot she's called Ella." I giggle as I take out my phone and bring her contact to text her.

'Ella, you suck :P' I sent her and Chris laughed out loud.

"Did you really just send her that? No context?" He laughs more.

I shrug with a smile as I feel my phone vibrating with the arrival of the new text from Ella.

'Watching Cinderella again? 😂'

'We get it, she's dumb and so is the prince. Now back off I ain't no princess 😂😂'

I show Chris what she texted before we fell into another fit of laughter.

I show Chris what she texted before we fell into another fit of laughter

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