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I'm waiting for Chris to pick me up so we go to class together. He should be here soon enough.

I can't believe it's already been a week into college and I'm already drowning in work. Ella is taking extra classes because she's a workaholic. Amelia is surprisingly more laid back ever since we came to London. Lydia and Seema are getting her to relax more often and not overwork herself. Which is good. I'm happy to see her have fun and be careless. She's doing great with her work in her major, she has no problem whatsoever.

Scarlet is a bit stressed but not much. She's actually really smart and the major she and Aya chose is perfect for them two. They have a project where they have to design and make two formal clothing; one for male, one for female. And they're gonna need models, so she asked me and Chris to model for them.

And then there's me. I'm so stressed that I might not do well in school. I'm not as smart as my sisters, nor am I as organized and talented. But I can do it. Chris is also helping me through it all, he's really smart. I'm grateful to have him around.

Thankfully, my new friendship with Chris hasn't affected mine with Ella. We're still as close, if not even closer.

My thoughts are cut off by my phone going off, indicating that I got a new text.

Chris is here.

I walk out of my flat and go down, seeing the familiar car parked right outside the door. I smile and get in, greeting Chris.

"Ready for another day of our new routinic life?" He chuckles tiredly. I laugh and shake my head.

"Do we have another choice though?" I smile.


And with that we drive off to our first class of another long day.

We're halfway through the day, and since we have a break now we decided to get some lunch

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We're halfway through the day, and since we have a break now we decided to get some lunch. So now Chris and I are in this cute little diner owned by an elderly couple. They're really sweet and kind. We've befriended them since we come here almost everyday since we started college.

I'm having a chicken sandwich while Chris has a BLT sandwich.

We're just talking about life and future plans, laughing every now and then, not noticing a certain person coming in the diner.

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" I heard Mrs. Stuart say to the customer.

"Hello miss, may I have a chicken pot pie?" I hear him say to her.

I look over to him and I have to say I did not expect it at all. It was Jake Crown. The popular guy around campus. And he's in his third year of college only. Everyone loves him because he's such a gentleman and kind.

But I know he isn't. From the very first day of us here, he was nothing but a jerk to Chris; He bumped into him rather harshly and expected an apology from him. And Ella; he directed to the wrong class and made her first day hard.

And he didn't stop on the first day.

Surprisingly he hasn't done anything to me, except for glances every now and then whenever we're in the same room.

"Hey Chris, look it's that Jake guy." I nod his way. 

"No way," Chris scoffed "Never thought I'd live to see him be polite."

"Well it seems he's polite and nice to everyone but you, and sometimes Ella." I shrug.

"And let's not forget those glances at you whenever you're around." He smirks at me, knowing exactly how uncomfortable that makes me feel. "He's going to make a move on you one day."

I gag playfully as I think about him, making the both of us giggle like two preschoolers.

"But you won't let that happen," I lean forward, batting my eyelashes like a snobby brat "Right Chrissy-poo?"

I struggle to keep my laughter, but I lose all control as I see the grimace on his face as he soon laughs long with me.

"no but seriously," I say once I calmed down "As my best friend, it's your job to keep me away from lying jerks."

He nods with a closed eye smile, then opening his eyes as he looks straight into mine, "You got it, princess." He throw in a cheeky wink too.

Upon hearing our laughter, Jake turns to look at us -well, more like me- And smirks that godforsaken smirk all the girls fall for. But not me, that smirk gives me the creeps.

He starts walking towards us with his tray of food, grabbing an extra chair from a table nearby, and placing it at our table, closer to me than Chris. We just look at him with raised eyebrows and exchange a look that says 'what the hell is he doing here?'. It seems that my mouth has a mind of it's own as the same exact words come out of my mouth.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh," He shrugs carelessly, poking his fork through the crispy dough of his pie. "Just having lunch with a couple of pals." He winks at me and I roll my eyes, scoffing at him.

"Pals?" Chris raises an eyebrow as he lets out a dry, humorless laugh. "I'm pretty sure insulting us every time you see us in the hallway isn't something pals do."

Jake acts offended, but I see the glint of mischief and pride in his eyes.

"Oh come on," He looks between us, seeing the unamused looks on our faces. "You know I'm only joking," He looks at me with an innocent smile "Right, princess?"

I notice Chris' jaw clench and he's glaring daggers at the boy next to me. Sensing his anger, I'm more than happy to take Chris' hand and say "Yeah sure whatever helps you sleep at night." I pull my best friend from his seat as we start to walk towards the door before I stop and turn to look at Jake.

"And don't call me princess." I smile sarcastically and leave the little diner with Chris.

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