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I'm going out with Asher to discuss our plan for him to win over Scarlet. And from the way she talked about him yesterday, I'm pretty sure he already has. Scarlet has to realize that she likes him, and the fact that he's a lot like me only means he's perfect for her, not me. Let me explain the science behind it.

I'm her best friend aka real soulmate (because let's face it, nobody understands us like our best friends)

Asher is practically the guy version of me.

Therefore, Asher is Scarlet's soulmate.

Bada beem bada boom. Scarlet's wrong, and I'm right. 

"Where are you going?" Scarlet asks me, coming out from the bathroom as she dries her fiery red and black hair with a towel and her natural eye color shining through for she still hasn't put on her contact lenses.

I miss her normal look. I wish they could always be themselves without having to change their appearance or last names, but that's royalty for ya. 

"I'm meeting up with Ash at the cafe around the corner." Her eyes light up at the mention of his name and I smirk, turning around and adjusting my shoulder bag.

"Is it a date?" She asks with a hopeful tone, but something tells me it's a little forced, maybe it's the glint in her eyes that's no longer there.

"Nah, I don't think so." I reply, but then I get the marvelous idea that if I make her jealous, she might give in to her heart and see that she actually likes him more than she thinks. "Although maybe it is. We'll see when I get there."

She smiles softly before leaving to turn back to her room to wear some clothes as she mutters a quick 'have fun'.

I smirk to myself and chuckle as I open the door and out to the world I go.

"Isn't that only going to hurt her?" He asks me with concern in his eyes as he pushes the frame of his dark brown glasses closer to his irises

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"Isn't that only going to hurt her?" He asks me with concern in his eyes as he pushes the frame of his dark brown glasses closer to his irises.

"Probably, but it's the only way." I argue. "She'll realize her feelings, and then I tell her that we're not exactly dating and you sweep her off her feet with that song."

"So how are we going to act like a couple?"

"We don't want to make it seem like we're official, just flirting ever now and then and we'd have to hang out a lot more." I explain.

"How long do you reckon it'll take?" He slumps back into his seat and takes another sip of his smoothie.

"Knowing Scarlet, maybe two to three weeks. She's really in touch with her feelings. And I got her sisters in on the plan because she's more likely to tell them rather than me so she doesn't hurt me."

"I just don't want to hurt her..."

"Don't worry, she won't. She'd do the same if she were in my shoes. I know how her mind works."

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