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Lydia, and I are currently at the airport of Avelyn. The atmosphere is so peaceful and welcoming. Aurora wasn't kidding when she said Avelians are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. There's a joyous vibe all around.

Lydia and I take a cab to our hotel to settle in before we have to leave for the royal ball. 

I can't believe I actually listened to Jake and came. But hey, if he's here then he'll probably want to make a move on Aurora, and I obviously can't let that happen.

"I'm really nervous about this." I admit as I unpack.

"You've said that seventeen goddamn times already! Look, you're here to see your best friend and so am I. There's nothing to be worried about, chill!" Lydia chuckled slightly frustrated with me, but I know she understands.

"I can't help it!" I defend myself.

"That little crush of yours is getting out of control, bro." She rolls her eyes with a smile. "Come on let's go grab some lunch before we get ready. I saw a cute diner right down the street on our way here." 

And with that we were off to the streets of Avelyn's capital;  Wisteria. 

I remember Lydia telling me that Amelia described so much to Avelyn to her, and one of them is the name of the capital. Apparently when the country was founded by king Lucas, the land was full of wisteria trees. I see them almost everywhere, it adds so much color to the city. I heard that there's one tree that hasn't been cut since the country was founded. 

Walking in to the diner, we're immediately hit with the breeze of the air conditioner, which is needed because an Avelyn summer is pretty damn hot.

"Good afternoon!" The old lady smiles sweetly at us. A wave of nostalgia hits me, this reminds me of the diner Aurora and I always go to back in London.

"Good afternoon to you too, ma'am." I smile at her as Lydia replies to her. 

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." She wonders and we nod, confirming it.

"Yeah, we're just here to surprise some friends of ours." I tell her while looking at the menu, glancing up to look at her as to not be rude.

"Aww, that's really sweet of you." We smile. "How do you like it so far?"

"Oh it's beautiful!" Lydia gushes, and I nod in agreement. "The trees look magical! The people are so happy and welcoming. Everything here is amazing!"

The sweet lady laughs wholeheartedly at Lydia's enthusiasm.

"All thanks to the royal family. And I'm sure the future queen will be just as amazing. The princesses are already doing so much for us!" She grins, taking the menus from us, placing them where they belonged. We gave her our orders and continued our conversation.

"What have they done? It seems as if everyone we meet loves them a lot." I ask.

"Oh we do, they're really lovely!" She states. "Princess Aurora recently put new rules to keep Avelyn clean and green. And the school she started will be having it's first graduation today, actually! My grandson is one of the graduates. He's been so much happier and more alive ever since he attended there. There's going to be an open royal ball too!"

"We know, we're surprising our friends there!" Lydia exclaims. "And I didn't know the princesses' names before."

"Yeah, now that you mention it. My best friend is actually called Aurora as well." I tell her.

"Imagine if that's our Aurora." Lydia joked.

"I mean, I do call her princess." I laugh.

I notice the lady staring at me with a fond smile, as if knowing something about me that brings her joy.

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