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In order for the girls to be able to live in London like normal girls, they need a slight makeover, to keep anyone from finding out that they're royalty.

Amelia decided on taking her best friend in the castle, Seema.  She is one of the royal musicians.
Scarlet would take Aya, her royal stylist, and best friend. 

The girls going with the three princesses wouldn't need a makeover, since they're not known, but still they each got a simple makeover to change a little about them just in case.

Aurora cut her hair in levels, and dyed a strand of it dark purple. And she  changed the frames of her glasses from their russet color to a dark purple, matching her hair.

 Scarlet dyed her whole hair black, with fiery red tips, mostly like an ombre. She also chose black eye color contacts.

Amelia only cut her long hair to her shoulder, and put on fake glasses, along with dark brown eye color contacts.

And just like that, they were ready for the challenge of their lives.

It was now time for the girl's departure

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It was now time for the girl's departure. All of them had submitted to Oxford University, getting scholarships as well.

 Ella would study creative writing, and Aurora would study zoology.
Both Scarlet and Aya would study fashion design.
As Amelia studies English literature, Seema would study music theory.

The girls were a mess!
Scarlet and Aya packed so many clothes to take with themselves, it probably won't even fit their dorm's closets! That's why the queen made them take only essentials, saying that they'll survive without all those outfits.
Amelia and Seema weren't as bad, but they were still making lists to double check what they packed just in case they forgot something. Smart, but also nerve wrecking.
Aurora and Ella were freaking out! Not only because of their nervousness, but also excitement. This is something they both dreamed of, so they were really happy. But they were scared they weren't unprepared after seeing the other girls so organized and well packed. 

"We hope you girls enjoy your time there. Do what you need to, but don't forget to have fun! I'm looking at you Amelia" The king pointed out to his daughter with a playful glare. She chuckled nervously, hiding her book behind her back.

"And make sure no one knows who you are" The queen warns them.

After a long time of hugging and shedding tears, everyone had said goodbye to their families, and then hopped on the private jet that would take them to their new life.

Walking into their dorm, Ella and Aurora's jaws fell to the ground

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Walking into their dorm, Ella and Aurora's jaws fell to the ground.

It was so..simple! It was a little apartment with a cozy vibe, it was still very bland, giving the two teens a chance to decorate it the way they like. Each went to claim their room. Afterwards they unpacked everything, making the apartment even cozier.

This was their new home.

Aurora's room had picture frames all over it. Pictures from her childhood, and with her family. She also hung up some fairy lights on her bed rims. She filled the shelves of the bookcase with not only books, but also photo albums and scrapbooks she's made. She placed a few scented candles in there, as well as two snow globes she bought when she had traveled.

Ella's room was similar to Aurora's; full of pictures and memories. But she had a theme unlike Aurora. She was a bit more organized than her princess roommate surprisingly. Her theme was neutral colors. It was calming to the eyes of whoever steps in.

Their living room had a coffee table in the middle, so they placed some scented candles there too, to give the house the feeling of a home. They put plants in vases and placed them all around the corners of the room, giving off a good vibe. 

After a long day of unpacking and decorating, the two girls called it a night and headed to their rooms. They fell into a deep sleep just as their heads hit their pillows.

{A slight visual of what the rooms look like almost}

{A slight visual of what the rooms look like almost}

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