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I can't believe this day has come so soon already! Today is the very first dream school graduation! 

Since the school is still new, and it's not exactly a traditional school, this year's graduates are those who have been able to get scholarships to our best colleges in the fields they chose, with the help of this school. And the fun part about this graduation is, no one is going out like the other! There are graduates from every age and study field! 

I am so proud of them all!

These students fought everyone's doubt and they worked hard and got to their dream. I'm glad to be seeing the future generation so happy and full of life. It's crazy how a single act of encouragement can change so much!

I can't wait to hand out the diplomas to the students!

"Aurora!" Ella exclaims as she tackles me in a hug. Ever since we got back to Avelyn, I've been too busy with some work and preparation for the dream school, and the new rules regarding polluting.

I giggle and hug her back just as enthusiastically. I didn't notice my tiara falling off my head until I heard the sound of it hitting the floor. I release myself from the hug as I groan before bending to pick up my tiara.

"I can't keep this thing on my head for the life of me!" I whine.

"I thought you were trained to walk while balancing books on your head? Shouldn't it be easy?" She wonders.

"You'd think! But tiaras are much more complex than books!" I exclaim. "I don't understand the physics behind it, but it keeps slipping. I told you I'm not cut out for this royal life." I sigh.

Ella rolls her eyes before she starts giving me one of those best friend speeches where they hype you up and then pinch you for not believing in yourself.

"Need I remind you that today is literally the first graduation of a school, no wait, a really cool school- don't you dare cut me off to say that rhymed." I giggle a little at her. "As I was saying, you built a freaking school that people actually love! I want to roll in right after we finish college because it seems so fun! And you are fighting climate change! You're banning pollution from your kingdom! Do you know how great Avelyn- Hell, do you know how great the world will be because of your first two princess projects?" She exclaims, flailing her arms around because that's just how Ella rolls. 

"And might I add, you look bomb in that dress!" She compliments my blush pink dress. It has a lacy V-line top with a flowy bottom. "And with that tiara on top? Girl I thought you wanted to look subtle?" She smirks.

I laugh. "Trust me, this is subtle. Scarlet and Asher picked this out for me back in London. I'm kinda obliged to wear it." I twirl around in my dress, loving the soft feel of the fabric on my skin.

I get a little dizzy and grab onto my tiara as it was about to fall. I sigh again and look down, my tiara tilting once again.

Ella walks over to me and fixes my tiara, lifting up my chin so I look at her. "I can't believe I'm finally putting this quote to use, but chin up princess. Don't want your tiara to fall, do we?"

I smile at her gratefully. "We don't. Now come on, we have a graduation to get to!" I grin before I drag her out of my room as we giggle, her mint dress trailing behind her. I have to make sure to get a picture of her and send it to Calum.

 I have to make sure to get a picture of her and send it to Calum

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