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'Hey rora, wanna watch a movie with me and my new friend?'

I receive the text from Amelia. Aww she made a friend! I bet you she's a bookworm.

'Yeah sure! Just text me the details and I'll meet you guys there.'

I text back.

I get a final text with the address, and that Amelia's friend will be bringing her brother as well.
The more the merrier I guess. I just hope he's not a jerky frat boy like some of the ones I came across today.

Chris, on the other hand, was a total gentleman! He was so sweet and kind. I'm definitely gonna get closer to him hopefully. He's a great guy!

I'm walking back to my apartment. Ella is already there, waiting for me to arrive so we share our days with each other.

Eventually, I arrive and walk in, seeing Ella sprawled over the couch with her eyes closed. I snicker quietly and walk over to her slowly. Once I got close enough, I tickle her sides as I scream her name.

"WHA-" she yelled in confusion as she fell off the couch. I burst out laughing at her. I see her glare at me through my teary eyes.

"You little shit!" She laughs as she threw a pillow at me, hitting me right in the face. 

We both sit there laughing for a moment at our antics.

"Okay okay, enough laughing. Spill the tea now" I say calming down and crossing my legs as I look at her.

"You want me to start?" I hum in reply and she nods, pausing a little to gather her thoughts before talking.

"Okay so, I was late to literally all my classes. I got pranked!! Some students guided me to the wrong class, those jerks!" 

"Let me guess, three guys and two girls? The main jerk was wearing skinny jeans and a navy hoodie?"

She tilts her head "Exactly..You ran into them too?"

I nod rolling my eyes "yeah, they shoved Chris and dropped his bag. And they expected him to say sorry" I explain in an annoyed tone.

Ella raises her eyebrows as a smirk finds it's way onto her face. "Who's Chris? Do tell" She puts her head in her hands as she waits for me to talk.

"Ellaaa" I groan, knowing where this is going. "We said you start" I frown. She looks at me dead in the eye, her expression going solid. "You said you wanted the tea, I ain't got none. So SPILL THE TEA SISTA!!" She exclaims, hitting me again with the pillow. I giggle, "Okay okay jeez calm down!" She smiles in victory and I continue talking.

"So Chris is a guy I met in zoology class, and then we found out we have the same schedule. He's really cool and nice and so weird but I love it" I shake my head as I smile, remembering the stories he told me. "We went out for some ice cream to get to know each other more. He's a total gentleman and just- really awesome" I smile, not noticing the slight blush tinting my cheeks.

Ella is just sitting with a huge smirk on her face "You like him." she states. My eyes widen and I shake my head my face heating up even more.

"What? No I don't! I barely know him! I don't like him and- STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK!!" Now it's my turn to throw a pillow at her.

"uhuh sure, that's why you're totally not blushing." she laughs at me. "We'll see in a couple months when you completely fall for him."

I roll my eyes "not gonna happen." I state, knowing very well that that's not true.

Dad's not gonna like this..

Dad's not gonna like this

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It's 7:20 PM. The movie will start soon, I better get ready. I walk over to my closet, picking out a maroon mickey mouse sweater, black leggings, and of course my converse. I grab a small purse just for my phone and wallet before walking out the door.

Oh shoot I forgot to brush my hair!

I walk back in my room, untie the very messy bun I had, and brush through my what some would say luscious locks. And tada!! I'm ready.

I hurry to the door, yelling goodbye to Ella as I walk to the address that was sent to me.

Let's see what the night holds.

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