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"So who was that?" Seema asks me once I turned back to them.

"Scarlet's future boyfriend." I laugh. Seema and Lydia exchange looks with raised eyebrows, then turn back to me. "He's in her fashion studies, and she recently admit that she has a crush on him, but she wants him and Aya to be together, but apparently he likes her back."

"Well damn, she got herself a hottie!" Lydia exclaimed, giggling a little.

"And so did Aurora!" Seema gasps, turning me around to see my sister and her date, Calum. All our eyes widen. She had told us that he's asked her to the dance, but she didn't mention how handsome he is!

"Not gonna lie," Lydia speaks up. "They look so cute and happy together." 

I nod agreeing with her, "But I still think she and Chris will end up together."

"If they don't I'm gonna sue them." Lydia states bluntly, crossing her arms.

"Sorry girls but I'm team Calum." Seema admits, patting our backs.

I roll my eyes and smile.

"Alright well enough about my sisters, let's go have some fun!" I exclaim and run to the games they have around.

There are so many Halloween themed games, a spider cornhole toss, pumpkin bowling, witch hat toss, a photo booth, and so much more!

We went to the pumpkin bowling first.

"Turns out, pumpkins don't make great bowling balls." Seema said.

"Or you just suck at bowling." Lydia shrugged and hid behind me as we all laughed while Seema tried to hit her.

I hear a familiar song come up and I stop in my tracks, grabbing the girls forearms doing so. They looked at me with a knowing glint in their eyes before we all screamed the lyrics.

"I know that I'm running out of time, I want it all! Mhmm!" 

We continue to sing the song on top of our lungs and dancing to it, clapping at the right times. The huge grins never left our face.

After a lot of yelling out lyrics we just dropped to the floor in exhaustion and laughter.

"That was freaking awesome!" Lydia breathed heavily.

"It's a good thing the music is already way too loud, or we would've been kicked out long ago." I laughed.

"That is true, our voices suck!" Seema admit and I push her shoulder saying: "Oh shut up, you have an amazing voice and you know it!"

She rolls her eyes at me, still smiling, before she got up and helped the rest of us who were still on the ground.

I can't believe how much a person can change in the span of a couple of months. If someone would've told me that I'd be at a Halloween party, screaming lyrics, dancing very badly, and acting like a five year old with a sugar rush, I would have called them a liar -very politely- and left the room to read yet another book.

But now I'm having fun in the real world, and I'm doing the things that characters in my favorite books have done. 

I used to escape my duties with books, but now I'm escaping them with two amazing friends, and my two awesome sisters. I'm living the adventure I've longed for my entire life. I found the friendship in which leads the book to a happy ending.

This is a life I never saw myself living, but now I don't see myself living a different life.

"Hey girls," I get their attention, "want to get a triple mummy wrap?"

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