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"I'm so excited for Halloween! And the Halloween dance!" I exclaim to my best friend as we walk to our next class.

"I know! I have the perfect costume in mind. Quite punny actually." He chuckles.

"Oooh! Tell me tell me tell me-" I nag him until he finally gives in. "Okay okay!!"

"Jesus christ, do you always nag like this?" 

"Only when I want to know something. If you held on for longer I would've started poking you." I smile sheepishly at him with a giggle.

"I-" He walked in silence, shaking his head before laughing, "Well, I'm going as Prince Charming"

"Oh my god, you're gonna look awesome!" I gasp. "Wait, but are you going as a Disney prince or a real life prince?"

"Are they different?"

"Very." I nod.

"Uhh..I guess a Disney version? The costume has those golden shoulder pads and all." He shrugs.

"Aww, you're gonna look adorable!" I pinch his cheek teasingly.

He laughs and pushes my hand away, keeping it in his own hand the rest of our walk. "Well, what are you going as?"

"I actually don't know." I know he wants me to go as a princess, but I feel like that's risky, as I really am a princess. But maybe I can wear fairy wings? Oh! I'll be Mariposa from barbie! "Hmm, how about a fairy princess?" He nods, liking the idea.

"Who's gonna look adorable now." He teases me back by pinching my cheek.

I roll my eyes and smile, before remembering the real cuties of Halloween.

"The pets! They're gonna look so cute when we dress them up!" I squeal, imagining them in cute little outfits.

"The pets! They're gonna look so cute when we dress them up!" I squeal, imagining them in cute little outfits

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we finished today's classes with ease thankfully. Right now, Chris and I are on our way to our usual diner to eat a late lunch before we go to work.

"So, about that dance-" Chris was saying until he got cut off by a guy from some of our classes calling my name. I've spoken to him a couple of times; he's really nice and charming.

"Aurora!" He catches up to us and I offer him a smile.

"Hey, Calum!"

"Hey," He smiled at me shyly, his eyes glancing at Chris for a moment before refocusing it on me. "Are you going to the dance this week?"

I nod, "Yeah, I mean there's no reason not to."

"So I was going to ask you, um-" He nervously played with his hands. 

"Go ahead, Calum. No need to be nervous." I assure him.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd want to attend the dance...together?"

"Oh." I say, my eyebrows rising in surprise. I look at Chris and he smiles at me, nodding. I turn back to Calum with a smile "I'd love to, Cal."

"Awesome!" He grinned, "I'll see you there then?" He asked and I nod. He then said goodbye and left, the grin still visible on his face. Chris and I turn to continue our way when I heard him shout and cheer in the distance. I giggle at his excitement and shake my head lightly.

"Princess, you do realize what this means, right?" He smiles slightly at me, his smile doesn't really reach his eyes, but it soon does, and the sparkle in his eyes is back and he's grinning like the idiot he is.


"You're going on your first date!"

"Holy shit!" I exclaim, stopping in my tracks, looking at Chris. "I am!"

"Ready or not, here I come!" I hear Chris yell from my hiding place; which is behind a statue

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"Ready or not, here I come!" I hear Chris yell from my hiding place; which is behind a statue. He and I are playing hide and seek to pass some time until our next shift at work, and the university campus is perfect for a game of hide and seek. The ground is covered with crusty golden leaves crunching under our feet, making it a bit harder to hide, but all the more challenging. 

I giggle, watching him from afar, looking at the most bizarre places, and I don't blame him; I hid between two dogs that were sitting there with their owners. I got to pet the dogs too, so I'm in a really good mood right now.

"Princess." I get startled by someone whispering my name in my ear. I turn around and glare at the face in front of me.

"What do you want, Jake?" I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "And how many times did I tell you, don't call me princess." I grit my teeth.

He chuckles and raises his hand to push away a strand of hair away from my face but I slap his hand away and his eyes darken, going from the icy blue they usually are to a deathly poisonous blue.

Am I overreacting by making him seem this evil?

"But you are a princess, aren't you? I bet everyone would love to know that." He smirks.

Nope. Definitely not overreacting. He is evil. BURN THE WITCH- except witches are cool and he's not. 

"What. do. you. want." I snap harshly, narrowing my eyes at him.


"What?" I exclaim confused.

"I want you. The Halloween dance. Go with me."

"No." I state dryly. "I already got asked, and I agreed." I smirk at him.

"Who asked you, that lame Chrissy?" He scoffed.

"No, not him. And you want lame? Look in a mirror." I tell him, venom dripping from my every word.

He scoffs and mutters something to me before he leaves.

"You'll regret this."

I doubt I will. I watch his figure get smaller with every step he takes away from me. I sigh before I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist and spinning me around laughing.

"Found ya!" He laughed, putting me down. I smile and turn to him, slapping his arm slightly.

"I heard you talking to someone, who was it?" He seemed concerned.

"Jake." I scoff.

"What?" He gasped, "Did he do anything to you? Do I need to punch him? What did he want?"

I chuckle and put my hand on his chest, telling him to calm down.

"He asked me to the dance and I said no. He then said that I'll regret it, but I can handle anything he throws my way." I assure him.

"I'm gonna make sure he doesn't ruin your first date and dance. Don't worry, princess." He hugs me protectively.

"I'm not." I giggle, my voice muffled from being squished into his firm chest.

It's gonna be one hell of a dance.

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