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Finals are just around the corner and I decided to get a head start in studying so I don't stress and overwork myself later on. Especially with the soccer games and practices every other day.  

I walk into the library, smiling at the old lady who works there. She's really sweet and kind, a true bookworm. It's hard to find them in this age where technology is taking over almost everything.

Going towards the environmental science section, I pass by Ella, who was sitting alone at a small table with a bunch of books surrounding her. She's wearing her glasses, which is something she doesn't do often. I don't understand why, it suits her really well.

"Hey, Ella!" I wave at her with a smile.

"Hey, Cal." She waves back with a tired smile. I can clearly see the bags forming under her eyes. I decide not to bother her anymore and leave to find the books I need.

While scanning the shelves, I hear Jake complaining about god knows what now. He complains so much that my brain gained the skill to filter out his whining. But what he's saying now is different.

He's talking about me. And Aurora. 

I peek from around the bookcase and see him sitting with a friend of his who doesn't talk much. Or rather, Jake doesn't let him.

"He's ruining everything!" He exclaims loudly, getting annoyed looks from everyone around him. "He shows up and it's like he's the king of the world! He gets the girl I'm after, and I'm almost sure the soccer team is thinking about making him captain." He grumbles.

"That Calum is nothing but a fake. I don't get why everyone is after him." He scoffs, "He, a normal person, is taking my place at the top of the chain. Me, the future king of Crounia."

Holy crap. He's royalty?

"And how could she choose him? Since when is it normal for royals to date non-royals?"

What the hell does that mean?

"Dude, you've done the same." His friend reminded him bluntly.

"Yeah but that's different. Because in the end, I will marry into royalty. I will get Aurora and Avelyn to myself no matter what it takes." He tapped his pen onto the table, only annoying everyone more, making them change their tables. Soon it was empty, except for me and them.

"But why Aurora? Didn't you say you have many proposals from other kingdoms?" 

"It's her kingdom that I want." He explains. "For centuries her kingdom has always had the upper hand on mine. They defeated us every time. But this time, it'll be me who wins. And Aurora is the way to it." 

"What about Amelia? Isn't she supposed to be the queen?" The raven haired boy asked.

"She is. Which is why I can't get her, nor Scarlet. They are crucial to their kingdoms, so the royal family will never agree to our proposal." Jake sneered, but calmed down with a smirk growing on his face. "Aurora however still has no important role to Avelyn."

So the girl I'm dating is secretly a princess and the biggest jerk ever knows about it and wants to take over her kingdom? 
And he hates me because I'm taking his place somehow? Who even cares about popularity nowadays?

You know, I moved to this university thinking it'd be drama free...I was never so wrong in my life.

Does Aurora even know about this? 

I run away from the scene, but not before grabbing the book I came here for, I still want a good grade. This isn't Hogwarts, exams won't get cancelled with personal drama.

I see Ella on my way out and decide to tell her, just in case. I sit at her table quickly, startling her. She looks at me tiredly, her eyes barely staying open.

"Jake wants to take over Avelyn and wants to get Aurora to marry him." I exclaim in one breath.

Her once sleepy state turns into shock as her eyes widen and she looks around, shushing me and furrowing her eyebrows.

"How did you find out? How much do you know?" She glares at me. It's the second I've seen this look on her.

She and Chris gave me the best friend talk when I asked out Rora.

I told her everything I heard Jake and his friend talking about and with every word She grew more worried for her best friend and home country.

"Don't tell them you know." She warns me. "We have to keep an eye on him. This is more serious than we realize."

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