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"Oh my god!" I exclaim, jumping from my seat in amazement as my hand unintentionally grips Asher's hand. I look back at him with my jaw dropped "Did you see that? How is that even possible!"

"I don't know! It's incredible!" He grins at me, the usual spark in his eyes getting even brighter. 

I laugh softly as I sit back in my seat comfortably. I then realize that I'm still holding his hand, but he doesn't seem to mind, and it's quite chilly in here and his hand is really warm...

Aya would understand if I kept my hand, right?

This night is amazing. All the acts and animals in this circus are absolutely breathtaking. Asher is great company too; he always makes a pun at the very best timing making me snort while laughing.

Me. A freaking princess. Snorting.

I feel a fluttering feeling in my stomach and chills are sent up my spine, giving me goosebumps all over my arms. 

"You like The Greatest Showman?" He asks me and I nod.

"I love everything from that movie! The cast, the songs, everything! Simply perfection." I exclaim, moving my free hand around, making the grey cardigan roll off my shoulder a little.

"Well then, you're gonna love this next part." He smirks at me before turning back to look at the show.

I open my mouth to question what he means but I'm cut off by the speakers blaring an all too familiar song.

I close my eyes and I can see..

"This is a themed circus. They'll be singing all the songs from the movie." 

"You're kidding me..." I trail off in awe "So you're telling me, two people will be here singing rewrite the stars and live? I am so gonna cry.." he chuckles.

I turn to him and hug him. He seems startled but hugs back a moment later, pulling me even closer and holding me tighter. I breathe in the scent of his cologne. It's subtle and relaxing.

"Thank you, Ash."

Ash and I are walking around town and laughing as we eat our ice cream

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Ash and I are walking around town and laughing as we eat our ice cream. With each step I notice us walking closer to each other, but I can't seem to stop myself.

This entire night, he's been nothing but a complete gentleman. He made me laugh, he sang along with me, he goofed off, and he was being himself.

He didn't try to impress me. I'm just a normal girl here. 

He's being a great friend to me. Scarlet Avery, not Scarlet Avelyn. And that only makes me feel more special.

It's so much easier to have friends when you're not wearing a tiara on your head.

And tonight I've been feeling things I've never felt before. All the chills down my spine, the blushes from seeing his smile, the wide grin never leaving my face, being so comfortable around him...

Maybe Aurora feels this with Chris as well. She said how having a best friend is the best feeling ever, and I guess she's right.

Whatever, I'm just going to enjoy my night with Ash.

We stop to sit at a bench to rest a little and just talk more.

"What are your plans for the future?" He asks and I look down.

What do I want to do? What can I do?
I can't start a career if I'm a princess, and if somehow my parents chose me to be queen, I won't have time to start a fashion line.

But it's always been a dream of mine to walk around the castle in a classy dress, and help sort out the kingdom. I love having a tiara on my head. It reminds me of my responsibility as a princess to build a better kingdom for everyone.

"I don't know. I'm torn between two worlds and I-" I sigh, looking up at his eyes to borrow some comfort from his gaze "I'm not ready to choose."

He nods understandingly and takes my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in attempt to assure me that it's okay.

"A lot of people don't know what path to choose. You have time, you shouldn't rush it." He advises "I myself don't know what to do either. But, we'll know our destiny in the right time. We just gotta be patient" He smiles at me and I smile back, feeling better with his words.

We sit in silence for a while, just enjoying the fresh air and each others company. I remember something from my childhood that makes me chuckle and I decide to share it with him.

"Have you ever been considered a goal by your sister who just so happens to be using a dead beetle as the football?"

He looks at me like I'm some sort of alien and I laugh loudly at his reaction. I begin to explain what Aurora has done to us as kids and he listens intently, bursting out with laughter as I finish the story, barely keeping my giggles in as I remember the day.

His laugh is beautiful. It's joyful and makes people wanna smile. His eyes squeeze closed and his pearly white teeth are on display as he lets out his angelic laugh.

Maybe I got myself a new best friend.

Aya is going to love him. I'm sure of it.

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