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"What do I do now?" I wonder out loud, plopping down on the bed in our hotel room. Aurora had offered that we stay at the castle with her, but we already payed to stay for an entire week in this room.

"I honestly don't know." Lydia admit, holding her pillow tightly as she stares blankly into space.

"Do I tell her?" I ask no one in particular. "I mean, it won't make a difference; I won't be able to call her mine, ever. But telling her might make it worse; what if she doesn't feel the same way? Then I won't have her as a best friend either. What if she does feel the same way, and that makes her sadder because she's forced to marry Jake?"

"I don't think you should tell her. Like you said, it might make her more miserable. That's the last thing we need." She tells me.

I grab a pillow which was laying next to me and smash it onto my face as I yell into it. 
Why is it that when I figure out just how much I admire her, she's snatched away from me?

Am I even destined to have a happy ending? 

Thankfully, Lydia took my mind off of that, by asking me how I became sure of my feelings towards Aurora.

"She was really sick at the time, and Ella was working on something with Calum; so she wasn't able to take care of her. I went over to her flat, and when she opened the door, that's when I knew that I truly am in love." I smile dreamily, reminiscing the feelings I experienced. "Her hair was down and tangled heavily. Her face was pale, and she had huge bags under her eyes. Her pajamas didn't match, and she had a tissue stuffed in her nose to prevent her nose from running down her face constantly. She was a bit sweaty from the fever too." I chuckle. "But at that moment, my heart started beating faster than it ever had, and the only thought in my head was how beautiful and adorable she looked. I've seen her all dressed up, yet my heart melted more at the sight of a tired, and messy Rora."

I look over at my sister, who remained silent, seeing her in tears. I instantly sit up, going to her side.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She laughs as she wipes away her tears. 

"It's just that you two are so in love, but you can't be together." She sniffles. "Neither of you deserve this. Honestly if someone handed me a shotgun I would easily kill that asshat." 

I chuckle and hug her. 

"I would too. I really would." I smile sadly.

"By the way, are you gonna tell Cal? About this whole thing?" She asks me.

"We talked about it. Ella volunteered to do it." I smirk.

"you ship them don't you?" She rolls her eyes with a smile.

"Hell yeah we do." I grin.

Aurora and I are at the Wisteria national forest, having a picnic

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Aurora and I are at the Wisteria national forest, having a picnic. It's so beautiful here; the colors filling the void that's in our hearts.

"You have a gorgeous kingdom." I tell her with a smile, putting down my sandwich.

"I'm not one to brag, but Avelyn is an exception." She grins, nudging me with her shoulder.

"I can see myself growing old here." I say out loud, looking around.

Unaware of her smiling at me sadly, I wave at a little kid who was staring at us in amazement; not believing the princess is close to him.

"So uhm," She gulps, trying to find something in the basket she brought. "This is for you and Lydia." She says with teary eyes, handing me a card.

I take the card and inspect it closely; It's a wedding invitation.

I look from the card to her as she keeps looking at the grass under our blanket. Drops of tears fall onto her lap. The wedding is set to be next week, at her own castle.

"So soon?" I breathe out, my heart heavy with agony.

"Yeah." She sobs. "I don't want to..."

I disregard the card in my hand and wrap my arms around my princess, holding her tightly.

"I don't want you to, either." I whisper, my own tears escaping my eyes.

We stay like that for a while, just tangled in one another's arms as she cries, letting all her pain out.

Suddenly she pulls away, looking me in the eye, her own being red and puffy, as is her little nose.

"I think I have an idea."

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