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Aurora was wearing her beautiful royal purple dress, her hair in an elegant half up half down hairdo, as her golden curls fell on her shoulders. She was also wearing amethyst stones around her neck and as earrings. 

Though the ball is the most formal gathering, Aurora still refused to put on any make up, much to Scarlet's dismay. Aurora settled with a blush lip gloss.

And she didn't need any in the first place; Aurora is naturally beautiful. Her lips are pink and plump, her cheeks rosy, and her eyelashes were long and complimented her doe like eyes.

The ball had started, but the royal family has yet to join. They all stood in the dressing room, conversing and getting ready.

Scarlet, staying true to her name, wore a bright red dress that fell softly down her hips and slightly grazed the floor. She had her hair up in a bun that looked like a rose. She matched her accessories to her dress, wearing a golden chain with a simple tear shaped ruby in the middle, resting on her collarbone. Her make up consisted of a golden eye shadow and a bold red lipstick, she looked stunning nonetheless. Her tiara complimented her look perfectly, it wasn't big or extravagant, just a simple white gold tiara, with small white jewels glittering all over it.

Amelia wore a sleeveless emerald ball gown, her hair straight and down. Just like her sisters, she wore matching jewelry; Beautiful cuts of emerald decorating the chain around her neck, and on her ears. Her make up was one of a natural look, giving her soft features. Amelia's tiara was somewhat bigger than Scarlet's, and looked like it was made of shards of ice.

The king and queen stood hand in hand, as both wore amazing and expensive clothes, matching in some colors. Their crowns decorating their heads and shining brightly in the lights.

"We should go down now. Aurora you will come in later than us for us to introduce you." King Liam said to his daughters.

"Oh, also!" Queen Rosalind remembered "This is also a peace making with the kingdom of Crounia. So when we meet up with them, I want you all in your best behavior."

The girls felt some pressure on their shoulders, but they knew they could handle it.

Crounia is the rival kingdom to Avelyn. It has been for centuries, but they hadn't engaged in war for years.

Aurora felt a pit in her stomach, anxiety was building up inside her chest. She felt that something was going to go wrong, and she was afraid to what extent it would go. She hoped that for once, her gut feeling was incorrect.

Everyone left the room but Aurora, she had yet to wait for her cue.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she raised her head, standing tall and proud. A smile made it's way onto her face. She felt her worries go away bit by bit as she took deep breaths, and looked at the wallpaper of her phone, which was the picture of her and Chris hugging.

That morning, Chris had called her, screaming and singing happy birthday to her. They talked longer until it was time for Chris to go to class, and Aurora to get ready for her birthday ball.


Aurora looked at her phone that lit up with a new text from her sister; 

It's time. It read

with another deep breath, Aurora walked towards the staircase leading down to the ball room. She made sure to take graceful and proud steps, with her head held high and the brightest smile on her face.

The butler who would be introducing her smiled at her and bowed, Aurora doing the same in return and curtsying out of respect for those who worked hard for her family.

"Ladies and gentlemen" He called out into the speaker, grabbing everyone's attention. "I present to you our beloved princess," Aurora smiled at the crowd 

"Princess Aurora of Avelyn."

The crowd cheered and clapped as the princess walked down the staircase gracefully, just as she had practiced many times through her lifetime.

Her father waited at the bottom of the stairs as he watched his youngest daughter descend from the stairs that she grew up sliding down on. He watched her smile at everyone, pride filling his heart.

Once down, Aurora took ahold of her father's outstretched hand, as he showed her off proudly to everyone who has attended.

Photographers were going crazy taking pictures of the princess doing anything, and looking beautiful during it.

The princes from other kingdoms were in awe by her.

One of the Princes was more surprised than the others, as he had recognized Aurora from somewhere else.

With a final smile, Aurora walked towards her family before each went off separately, greeting the guests.

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