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Since Chris and Lydia found out about us, it was only fair to tell Asher too. And I did meet his family already, and now it's time for him to meet mine; so we're flying him over to Avelyn.

Our driver went to get him from the airport. He should be arriving any moment now.

My parents already met Chris and Lydia, and they loved them so much. The agony in my mom's eyes killed me. She saw how happy Aurora was when he's around. She saw what the rest of us have.

I swear if I see Jake I will personally punch him and break his little perfect nose and unhinge his jaw.

And dad looked sad too. Of course he wouldn't want to force his daughter into marriage, he wasn't really given a choice. I just wish we could've done something.

It's dinner time, and everyone is gathered in the dining hall, this time with two more members

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It's dinner time, and everyone is gathered in the dining hall, this time with two more members. Lydia sat in between Amelia and Chris, while Chris had Aurora on his other side. I was sat next to mom and dad was at the end of the table.

Silence lingered in the air as we ate our food. Aurora didn't look once at dad. Dad, however never let her out of her gaze. He hated what he did, I could tell. But it's for the greater good. That's what being royal is about.

But I'd be damned if Aurora's happiness isn't the greater good to me. 

I was assigned to start making her wedding dress the second Asher came over. It's final. They're getting married, and soon.

"So, Lydia, Chris! Tell us about yourselves!" My mom cut the silence thankfully.

"Oh um, well, there's not much to say really. We're from Wales, and we recently moved to London to study." Lydia started with a shy smile.

"That's where we met your daughters." Chris surprisingly spoke up, glancing quickly at Aurora with a bittersweet smile.

We haven't spoken about what happened last night yet. So I have no idea how he feels. How Aurora must feel. They don't deserve this.

"I've heard a lot about you two!" Mom exclaimed with a teasing smile. Oh she's doing it. "Aurora literally never stops talking about all the fun things you guys do, and at work too." She chuckles.

Aurora manages a small laugh, and that brings a smile to our faces. Dad grins hearing her laugh, so he joins the conversation, recalling all the things she's told them about Chris.

"She told me you helped her with a snake bite?" My dad asks with a kind smile.

As he said that, Aurora burst out laughing, almost choking on her food. Chris looked at her with a grin too.

"More like freaked out as if he got bit!" She laughed.

"Hey! It could've been poisonous! Excuse me for caring!" He defended.

"We study Zoology! Knowing a venomous snake from a non-venomous is like basics!" She laughed more.

The heavy feeling lifted off at the sound of her laughter. 

It's good to know that no matter what happens, we can count on Chris to make her happy.

It's good to know that no matter what happens, we can count on Chris to make her happy

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I hear the gates opening and I rush to it, leaving my book on the seat I was on. 

"Asher!" I exclaim, running into his arms as he hugged me tighter, spinning me around. Soon after letting go, I give him a small peck on the lips and grin, looking into his eyes.

"Ahem." I heard someone clear their throat loudly. I turned to see my mom and dad in their usual work outfits.

"It's so nice to meet you, sir and ma'am- I mean your highness'." He stutters, letting go of my waist and holding my hand instead.

"I like him already." My mom grins, walking over to greet him with a famous Avelyn hug.
Asher seems surprised but returns the hug nonetheless.

"Alright, you stole my daughters heart already, don't go stealing my wife too." My dad chuckled, giving him a hug as well.

"Oh shush, Liam!" My mom hits his arm lightly. "It's your fault for not being so charming anymore!"

They bickered like the married couple they are, with huge smiles on their faces as they return the banter, eventually forgetting about us for a moment.

"Oh, so sorry to keep you two! Letta, go show him around. Our son in law should know Avelyn by heart." My mom winks at us and we both blush furiously, shy smiles on our faces.

I pull him by his hand and head over to where I was sat before in the garden.

"Well that went better than I expected." He stated with a chuckle.

"You and me both." I laughed.

He suddenly hugs me, catching me off guard. 

"I missed you." He mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you too, Ash." I return the hug just as tight.

We let go and sit down on the freshly cut grass.

"So you're a princess, huh?" He smiled at me, rubbing my hand with his thumb. "I always thought of you as a queen, but princess will do."

"Oh god," I laugh. "That was so cheesy!"

"Oh shut up, you love me." He teases me laughing wholeheartedly. 

I stare at him in admiration. The way his eyes crinkle when he laughs, the glimmer in his eyes. Everything about him draws me in like a girl to a shoe sale.

He's right. I really think I love him.

"I do." I smile at him.

His laughter cuts off, as he stares at me in shock. 

"You..." He trails off.

"Yeah." I chuckle, a blush covering my cheeks. "I love you."

His face brightens up, his grin growing in a matter of seconds. He pulls me in for a chaste kiss.

"I love you too, Scarlet." He pulls away, putting his forehead against mine, his hand still cupping my cheek. "You have no idea."

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