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We finally arrived at the girls' apartment and I helped them carry their bags in their flat. Ella made a beeline to her room and I assume she's already fast asleep. I then grabbed Aurora's arm gently to grab her attention before she went to sit down on the couch.

"You didn't forget about your birthday adventure, did you?" I grin at her wide, sparkling eyes and the smile forming on her face.

"I still can't believe you're doing this for me." I pulled her up from the couch before I twirled her around as I said: "I am your best friend, I promised to do this."

With a giggle she told me to wait until she changes out of her sweatpants and hoodie before we go out.

I sit on the couch while I wait for her and check my phone to make sure everything is ready. I'm extremely nervous that she won't like what we'll do today.

I should text Lydia to calm down.


Hey Lyd, you free to talk? 

Yeah, what's up brobro?

I'm nervous.

Ohh, you're going now?

Yeah, Rora is getting ready. Then we're off.

aww this is so cute.


Okay sorry, I won't ship it.

But you have no reason to worry, this is Aurora. You two have a special bond, I'm positive she'll love everything you planned for her. She already thanked you a million times for even thinking about doing this. So don't worry.

I guess you're right. Thanks sis :) 

Anytime brobro. Now go get your girl!


hehe, byeeeee!


I shake my head, laughing lightly before turning off my phone and just sitting there. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait much longer, as Aurora just walked out of her room, making me do a double take.

I look at her in awe, she looks beautiful!

She was wearing white jeans with an off shoulder purple top that had high low peplum attached to it, and it reached just under the rims of the pants. Her ombre hair fell softly on her shoulders in their natural wavy state. She also wore her purple converse to match.

"Wow" I whistle playfully "You're not wearing pajamas!" 

She narrows her eyes at me but a smile makes its way onto her pink lips as she rolls her eyes and punches my shoulder.

"Ow?" I rub my shoulder "Girl you don't realize your strength! That actually hurt!" I whine, making her laugh and I join in as well. 

I forgot about all my nerves the second she walked out her room. I know she's going to love today. I can't wait to show her all around.

"Nah I know my strength. I meant it." She said bluntly and I stared at her with wide eyes and I scoff, placing my hand on my heart.

"How dare you! I've never been so insulted in my life!" I say in a British accent.

"C'mon, drama queen," She rolls her eyes with a chuckle "Let's get going already! I wanna see what you planned!" 

I grin at her before I walk to the door, opening it for her before we both walk out and she locks the door. On our way to the car I tell her that she really does look beautiful and she smiles at me gratefully.

Can this girl get anymore humble?

"We're riding horses

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"We're riding horses." She stated more than she asked. Her face is neutral and I am just about ready to shit my pants. Does she not like horse riding?

"Yeah," I trail off nervously.  "you don't like it?"

She turns to me with raised eyebrows, "I love horse riding! This is perfect!" She exclaims and runs towards the stable, dragging me with her. Oh thank god I was so scared.

We got to the stable and the guy working there gave us some horses. I got Moon; a beautiful light grey horse with darker grey spots all over. He truly resembled the moon.

Aurora got Peach; a rare rose gold horse. She seemed to be the one who picked Aurora. Peach also had a golden mane and some of the strands were in a braid. She leaned into the touch of my best friend and let out a happy neigh.

I needed some help to get onto Moon and the employee gave me a bunch of instructions and tips to ride one. On the other hand, she had no trouble getting on Peach with ease, and almost instantly she got her to move and walk towards Moon and I with a bright smile on her face as she looked at me then her horse and pet her.

"You know how to ride?" I ask shocked. She nods with a smile before explaining that she used to take classes when she was little with her sisters, and she had a bond with the horses which made her very good at it.

"Why am I even surprised." We laugh and begin to walk with our horses in the field. 

We just spend some time with her teaching me how to control my horse and make it go faster and such. We talk about our week apart and breath in the fresh air of the vast field we're in.

"Mind if I take her for a run?" She asks me. I smile at her. "Go ahead, it's your day after all. Plus, it's about time you show me your skills, princess!" I encourage her.

All jokes aside, Aurora is practically a princess. She has this calm demeanor and always has a bright smile on her face. She has great posture and she's always working for the happiness of others. She's poised and graceful, but at the same time she's clumsy and would sometimes trip on thin air. She's quirky and weird and so unique. And that's what made me call her princess. She's special, she isn't what people want her to be, she's who she wants to be. And I respect that so much.

Might get her a tiara one day, because come on, how beautiful is she? I can't believe I finally found a best friend, and as great as her nonetheless.

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