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Calum and I are stuck in traffic. But there's no time.

"What are you doing?" Calum asks loudly, seeing me unbuckle my seat belt and getting out of his car. "The traffic will clear up in a minute or two!"

"We don't have a minute or two!" I yell, "Just meet me there!" I run off.

My best friend is suffocating and I'll be damned if I waste a single second in getting there. I run and run, my legs are starting to burn but the fear is fueling my adrenaline and I run faster than I ever have before. 

Where is Peach when I need her?

It took me around seven minutes to get here with my full speed. I continued to run up the stairs up to the fourth floor, as the elevator was packed with people. 

My feet instantly turn the right corners as they have memorized the way from the million times I came here. I open the door to his flat slowly and calmly, despite my eagerness to be by his side already, but I don't want to risk making it worse.

I finally open the door and rush next to him on the ground. He was leaning against the wall, wheezing as Lydia held onto his free hand. She was talking to him with tears pooling down her eyes, mirroring Chris' eyes but with more tears.

Her vision snapped to me and her tense shoulders seemed to relax a little. Chris turned his eyes towards me, holding out his hand that was previously on his chest. I take hold of his hand and squeeze it slightly in attempt to comfort him. I cup his slightly purple face with my other hand, making him look me in my teary eyes.

I hear the door open and close again. I see Lydia motioning for whoever came in to stay quiet. It's probably Calum, but I don't turn to look at him.

"I'm here, Chris." I assure him, looking into his eyes. I take off my glasses to look him directly in the eye without tear smudges on the lenses. "I'm always here for you."

"Focus on my voice, Chris. I'm not leaving you." I whisper to him, resting my forehead on his. His breathing calms a little. "I need you to copy me, okay?" 

"Take a deep breath..." I instruct him, I hear him do his best to breathe in. "1..2..3..4..Now hold it for 7..6..5..4..3..2..1..Now let it out through you mouth. You can do it. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8."

I get him to repeat the breathing exercise around 7 times until he finally is able to breathe normally. He's still shaken up, but that's what happens when you struggle to breathe for a long time. His face soon return to it's normal color, a bit flushed on the upper cheeks.

I wrap my arms around him as he cries softly into my shoulder. Lydia has her head in her hands, her hair is all messed up, but her form has gone from tensed to relax within the past couple minutes. She then looks at me holding her little brother and smiles at me thankfully, her tear stained cheeks lifting up. She then leaves, saying something about how she should get back before her house is set on fire and the food is burned.

I sigh, closing my eyes as I continue to run Chris' back and whisper reassuring words into his ear. 


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I can see it as clear as day. It hurts bad but I can't deny the truth:

Aurora was never mine to begin with...

The way Chris instantly calmed down at her presence, the way Aurora dropped everything and ran -literally- to his aid, the way they look at each other; It's unmistakable. Those two are made for each other. And even if they still don't know, they will soon enough.

What they have is pure. And I will not stand in the way. All I want is for them to be happy, and if them being together is the way, then I will gladly let go of the girl whom I've fallen for. Chris is like my brother, and seeing him like this today, showed me that he truly needs her. I can't take her away from him.

I'm sure Aurora and I will remain as great friends, so will I and Chris, possibly even stronger.

I smile sadly at the view in front of me. My heart is shattering but I know that it will heal in time. It's only a matter of time when she figures out her feelings for her best friend, so it's best if we break up now.

I will talk to them both later, but before I do anything, I have to talk to Ella, to confirm my thoughts. 

Chris finally stops crying and shaking, so I walk closer and sit next to him, putting my hand on his back as he pulls away from Aurora.

"You're okay." I smile at him. "Need anything?"

He just smiles and shakes his head. "No, but thank you."

"You gave us quite the scare there, mate." I joke with him to lift up the mood. He chuckles and grins at me. 

"Sorry, I think the neighbor cut the cheese." 

We all laugh, our muscles relaxing and our minds clearing of all negativity.

I like this. All three of us laughing and hanging out.

I'll be okay. I'll be happy.

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