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Classes were canceled today due to the heavy rain, which I'm thankful for because it's been so long since I had some time to relax without having any work to worry about. 

I'd rather spend my day with someone, but my best friend and sister and the rest of the girls are out shopping for their Halloween costumes.

Yes. They are shopping, in the rain.


Knowing Aurora, she was probably dragged shopping. She doesn't mind the rain, but hates going shopping. She's an odd one, but I wouldn't change a single thing about her.

I hear my phone ring with a text from the distance. I groan, getting up from my position -which is very comfortable might I add- on the couch and head to the kitchen where my phone was.

I unlock it and see that the text is from Calum. We had exchanged numbers long ago when we had first met. 


Calum: Hey Chris, you got a minute?

Chris: Yeah, what up dude?

Calum: It's about Aurora.

Chris: Oh. What about her?

Calum: Well, I just wanted to make sure if you're okay with it?

Chris: Uhh yeah? Of course I'm okay with it.
Why is that important in the first place?

Calum: You're her best friend, and uhh, to be honest?
 I thought there's something between you two..and I wanted to
make sure I'm not getting in between you two.

Chris: Oh no, we're just best friends. And you have my blessing 😂

Calum: Great 😂 Also can you help me?

Chris: Sure, with what?

Calum: ....Everything?

Calum: I'm really nervous dude. I feel like she's just so special,
and I don't wanna mess this up.

Chris: Don't worry, you won't as long as you're not a douche.
And she really is special. How about you come over?
It's easier to talk in person.

Calum: Yeah sure, send me your address and I'll be
there soon.


I send him my address and decide to clean up a little. Texting is easy but seeing someone in person? That's gonna make my anxiety skyrocket, but I've been getting better. Slowly but surely, Aurora helped me out of my comfort zone and it's become easier for me to talk to people. 

But this is the first time I'm doing it alone and I am scared shitless.

It's gonna be fine though, right? He's a chill guy and really nice...maybe I'm overreacting. I'm probably making myself nervous for nothing.

Dammit my nerves are crashing in and he's not even here yet.

This is swell, note the sarcasm.

I slap myself lightly and squish my face and breathe deeply, trying to calm down.

This will be good. I could use another friend. It's been a while since I had anyone other than Lydia and Aurora. We'll have fun actually; maybe order pizza, play video games, help him plan their day...

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