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Finally a weekend with no work.

Speaking of work, I need to find a job soon. But for now I'm going to enjoy my day with my sisters and our friends. A girls night in.

We ordered some pizza and now we're watching a bunch of movies, starting with Sleeping beauty, much to my dismay.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the movie! But I think I know why they chose that movie. And my thoughts were confirmed when Ella squealed when Prince Philip was finally introduced.

"Here comes the love of Aurora's life, Chris!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and groaned, covering my face with one of the cushions we had on the couch. I couldn't help the slight smile but I wiped it off as soon as Amelia took the pillow from me, uncovering my red face.

"Aww look she's blushing!" Scarlet teased me as Seema and Aya started poking my sides. I started squirming and laughing because I'm very ticklish.

"Stoooopp!!!" I yell in between laughter. Thankfully they stop as we all laugh.

After a while the laughter dies down, the movie long forgotten as we just enjoy the time we have together.

"I love this life. Way better than having to be formal all the time and all those godforsaken princess duties. I hate being royal." I admit

"royal my ass," Scarlet laughs "That laugh ain't royal sister." 

I gasp dramatically, putting my hand on my heart for extra affect. "I beg your pardon?" I say in the most posh voice I have, making the girls burst into a fit of giggles.

"Well," I say, taking a bite of my pizza, "For your information, Chris said my laugh is beautiful so hah."

The girls all exchanged a look as they all said "awww" at the same time.

"I dug my own grave.." I shake my head, regretting telling them that.

They laughed as Amelia spoke up "You guys should've seen them at the movies! So cute!"

"look, we're just best friends! It's normal!"

"Girl, we're all your best friends. Do you see us doing all that cute ass stuff with you?" Aya stated. 

"well, no- but still!" I object.

"No buts, you two will end up together and we will make sure of it." Ella said.

"I wonder what he'll do for your birthday next week.." Seema thought out loud.

And just as she said that all our eyes widened.

"The ball!" me, Scarlet and Amelia exclaimed.

We're video calling our parents to see what to do about my birthday

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We're video calling our parents to see what to do about my birthday.

"As much as I want to say this ball isn't important and you can miss it," My mom sighs "I can't. Your sisters all had their coming of age royal balls, it's tradition. The people are waiting for it. All three of you must come back for it." 

My sisters and I sigh looking at the ground, understanding why we have to do this.

"Do we have to come too?" Seema spoke up, referring to her, Aya, and Ella.

"It's your choice. But we could use your help." Dad says.

"What are we going to tell everyone?"

"We'll speak to the head office of the university, you can tell your friends it's some family emergency or something."

We nod in agreement, thinking of a good excuse to stick to.

"Wait, what about our new looks? What will we do about that?" Scarlet asks.

"Oh, you have to get the hair dye out and get everything to the way it was. And before you go back to London, you'll have another makeover to look as you were." Mom explains.

"Well when do we come back?" Amelia asks.

"You have to be here by Sunday."

What? That's in two days!

Well we better get moving. I groan internally, being a princess is hard.

"Let's pack then." I say defeatedly.

So much for a free weekend.

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