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Aurora sat at the top of the table to discuss the next step for the international environmental restoration.

Ever since Aurora has started the campaign when she was 18, it grew more and more; as people who traveled from and to Avelyn also spread the word about it. Soon enough, it became and international organization, with Queen Aurora as the head of the company.

Chris was made second in charge after Aurora, and he usually does more since it's his full time job.

"Okay so we need to stop adding hormones to fruits and vegetables; cancer levels are skyrocketing and the amount of chemicals in everything they consume could be the problem." Aurora explained.

"So we started some research in our labs, and we have a head start. But we'll need more help, so we need you all to gather around as many scientist who specialize in biology and chemistry as you can." Chris continued, smiling at his wife, the glint of pride never leaving his deep brown eyes.

Amelia rolled her suitcase behind her as she walked to her room, hoping to get a nap before her sisters come back

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Amelia rolled her suitcase behind her as she walked to her room, hoping to get a nap before her sisters come back.

Unfortunately, Scarlet beat her to it, and her two little kids were bouncing on their aunt's bed as they waited for her to come.

"Auntie!!" They exclaimed as they saw her enter her room.

A grin broke out on her face as she saw her niece and nephew.

"Nada!" She exclaimed, bending down to hug them. "Tommy!"

She hugged them tight just as they did, if not tighter.

"We missed you!" 

"I missed you guys too!" She ruffled their hair. "I got you guys presents!"

"You didn't have to, you know? You spoil them too much." Scarlet laughed, entering the room, embracing her sister in a tight hug.

"You look tired, what's up?" Amelia wondered.

"Nothing, I've been planning a fashion show for the next line. It harder now that I have to hyperactive kids around me all the time." She chuckled, yawning.

"Amelia! You're back!" Asher exclaimed as he saw her when he was passing by her room. 

"Hey, Ash!" She hugged him.

"How was Greenland?" He asked her, picking up his four year old daughter, and giving her a big kiss on the cheek as she giggled, Scarlet doing the same to their son.

"Amazing! The nature there was so beautiful!" Amelia gushed.

"That's good to hear." He grinned. "Well, I bet you're really tired, we'll let you rest."

"Thanks." She smiled at them. "Wake me up when Rora and Chris get home, okay?"

 "Wake me up when Rora and Chris get home, okay?"

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