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I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing. Groaning, I sit up, my hair completely in my face, though somehow it looks better than it does when it's 'styled'. I slowly get up from my bed, dragging my feet behind me. I quickly pick out some clothes for the day and head to the bathroom to shower and you know, normal hygienic things.

After I shower, I dry my hair, but I don't style it, I like it the way it is. I put on my glasses and now I'm ready for the day. I'm wearing a Greenday shirt with black jeans and my favorite pair of converse.

I walk into the kitchen, seeing Ella already awake and dressed.

"Mornin' Ella" I yawn as I grab some toast and jam. 

"Mornin' sleeping beauty" she giggles, seeing me so sleepy. 

"Huh.." I pause "I really am sleeping beauty..my name is Aurora" I laugh before Ella joins in as well, realizing that I do indeed have the same name as the princess.

"Hey, and I'll be cinderella!" She exclaims. 

We laugh as we sing some disney songs before it's time to go out for our first day at college.

"I'm so nervous" Ella admits. I smile at her reassuringly "Don't be. Knowing you, you'd be the top of all your classes and everyone will fall in love with you, Princess Cinderella" I wink at her as she playfully rolls her eyes, letting out a soft and genuine chuckle.

"We better get going before we're late" I wave goodbye to my roommate as we part ways, each of us heading to the faculty we're placed in.

I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late- WAIT I FOUND THE CLASS!!! I run towards the door, knocking on it before walking in

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I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late- WAIT I FOUND THE CLASS!!! I run towards the door, knocking on it before walking in. The class has already started as expected. 

The professor turns to me, and I start rambling to why I'm late, which is because I have no idea where the classes are. The professor, whose name is Mr. Cooper, laughs softly before speaking.

"No worries, a lot of students get lost on the first day. Which is why I always use the first class as to introduce myself and get to know the students better. It's quite lucky that you first years are only 27 students in this class. Therefore, we'll get to be closer." He explains with a smile.

I sigh, feeling relieved that I'm not in trouble and I haven't missed anything important. I thank professor Cooper before I walk towards the only seat available, next to a guy with dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes. I smile at him when I reach the desk and he returns the smile. I have to admit, it's one of those smiles that are contagious and kind. We turn to the professor as he's asking another student more questions about themselves. 

I think this will be my favorite class.

Soon enough, the professor got to the boy next to me, who I was quite eager to know more about

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Soon enough, the professor got to the boy next to me, who I was quite eager to know more about. 

"Hello, uhm, I'm Chris Irwin. I have a passion for animals, so this class will probably be my favorite of all. uhh..I'm a simple guy, that's all I guess.." He chuckles nervously, his cheeks tinting red at the attention of the whole class. 

I find myself smiling at the sight of the flustered boy, but quickly turn my gaze away from Chris to the professor who is waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Hey. My name is Aurora Av-" I cut myself off with a cough as I was about to reveal my true identity. "Aurora Avery. uhm, like everyone else in this room, I love animals and care for them, I love sports and arts..and I...yeah there's nothing else about me." I laugh softly, now knowing how Chris must've felt when all attention was on him. Although I never get flustered in front of a crowd..I'm a princess for god's sake! So what's different now?

Oh. Right.

I'm not a princess here. I'm free from the title at last. I can be as informal as I want to be with no consequences. I can finally be the real me. 

Just Aurora.

My eyes met with Chris' and we exchanged yet another smile as the professor moved onto the next student. I could feel my face get hot and my converse became interesting. Though as soon as I broke the eye contact I missed it.

What is happening to me?

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