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 The story has ended, but I forgot to add the first date scene...

So I'm writing it now! Because I really love the idea of this and I hope you do too!

I really hope you all enjoyed this book; it's my longest book and I know it's not perfect but I still put a lot of work and time into it and did my best. Please let me know what you think!

Aurora opens the door to her flat, her steps sluggish and slow

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Aurora opens the door to her flat, her steps sluggish and slow. She's had a very long and tiring day with all her classes and exams piling up on her and taking every bit of energy she had.

With a sigh of relief, she tosses her bag in her room before she takes a quick cold shower to clean off all the sweat clinging on to her fair skin. 

She comes out of her bathroom, choosing to wear a dragon onesie before she plops on her bed face down. She mentally freaks out for a second, thinking that she was wearing her glasses but relaxed when she remembered she took them off before the shower.

She snuggles under her fluffy duvet and grabs her fuzzy blue teddy bear; the one that she got as a baby. 

And the tiredness finally takes over, closing her eyes as she drifts off to a deep sleep.

Two hours pass when Chris walks into his girlfriend's flat using the spare key she gave him not so long ago. Noticing the silence, he walks slowly to Aurora's room, seeing her sound asleep and cuddling her teddy bear. 

He admires her peaceful state for a while. He takes a picture as well and sends it to her sisters. Walking up to her, he crouches down, removing her damp hair from her face as he gently strokes her cheek. He moves his hand to shake her slightly to wake her up.

"Wake up, princess." He kisses her forehead.

Her eyes flutter open, seeing Chris in front of her, looking at her with a soft smile. She hums in response as he pecks her lips quickly.

"Come on, I planned our first official date!" Chris exclaims excitedly.

Aurora groans, turning her head away and planting it in her pillow. 

"I -on't wan- -to." She says, her words barely understandable as it was muffled by the fabric. 

Chris rolls his eyes, not fazed by her actions. He takes the blanket and pulls it off of her. 

"No~" She whines, lifting her head now. "Put it back!"

"Sorry, princess." He chuckles.

With a hopeless huff, Aurora plops back down and closes her eyes, trying to go back to sleep. Chris raises an eyebrow at her before rolling his eyes once again.

"I guess you leave me no choice..." He trails off cheekily.

Aurora opens an eye, narrowing it at Chris. "What are you planning, Irwin?"

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