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Winter break. The perfect time to relax and enjoy life.

And I'd be lying if I said it isn't my first.

Christmas is just around the corner, except I won't be spending it at home, nor in a foreign castle. I'm celebrating Christmas in a small, cozy cabin in a very small town. And best of all? I'm with two of my closest friends. We all agreed to this getaway as our very first adventure to many more.

 Everyone here is so cheerful. They remind me of home. Seeing the bright smiles on the townsfolk as they pass each other by, chuckling at the children who are running around in a game of catch. We got hit by some snowballs on our walk in the town, but we only smiled and threw another one back, making the little kids giggle and scream in joy.

This is how every town, country, and kingdom should be; peaceful and happy.

 "Hey, girls! Look I found the perfect place to take more photos!" Lydia exclaimed happily as she rushed towards a big tree covered in snow. It looked beautiful. A tire swing was attached to it, so we all sat on it, taking turns in taking pictures.

We're making an adventure scrapbook. So wherever we go we always take at least one photo and print it out. I can't wait to fill it up with joyful memories. Some of the pictures include our other friends and family. 

I thought story books meant a lot, but after making this, I now understand a whole new meaning to a precious book.

We spend a couple more hours exploring and walking around, enjoying the chilly weather and unique snowflakes getting caught in our hairs. We then go back to our cabin to end our day of fun.

Our cabin has one room with three twin beds, so now we're each on our own bed, talking about what we've done so far in our lives. Suddenly, the thought of a friend of ours crosses my mind.

"Hey, what do you guys think Alex will do?" 

"I don't know." Lydia admits. "But I really hope he does what's right. I can't imagine being away from someone I care about deeply."

"Same here." Seema nods. "I can't imagine my life without you two at all. I haven't felt so alive until I met you."

I smile, silently agreeing to what they're saying.

"You guys are the best." I tell them before getting under my cozy blanket and closing my eyes, awaiting a new dream. "Goodnight."

I slept so well last night

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I slept so well last night. It was so comfortable, like I didn't have a single worry in the world. Lydia and I woke up an hour ago, but Seema is still asleep.

God she's lazy. But you gotta love her.

Lydia and I are sitting in front of the fireplace as we talk to Chris and Aurora on the phone.
They, Calum and Ella went on holiday together too. Aurora had to avoid the winter ball our family is going to in Crounia.
 Scarlet and Aya flew out to meet Asher's family, and from what Letta told me, Aya and Asher's older brother clicked instantly. She said she gives them two weeks before they get together.

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