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Come on cowboy, you got the four Daltons multiple times, you can get the girl of your dreams-

Oh who am I kidding I ain't no lucky Luke! 

I am not lucky at all, in fact the girl I day dream about thinks her best friend and I are a thing, and because of that she won't even dare to think of me more than a friend! And this sucks because I actually really like her but she doesn't know, because she thinks I'm dating her best friend and oh my god this is the longest thought I've had in a while...

Welcome to stress 101, I'm your professor, Asher Wood, and in this essay I will-

Great, now I'm mixing up memes.

I shake my head to rid of the annoying thoughts that have become a constant nuisance lately, and go inside the rented venue to join the event.

My eyes roam around the foggy yet well lit room looking for the girl who I will hopefully spend my evening with. I see her sisters and friends, but still no sign of Scarlet or Aya.

I decide to ask one of her sisters if they've seen her. Aurora is dancing with someone and I don't want to interrupt them, they look so happy aww.  I walk over to Amelia slowly and nervously. She doesn't know me but I know her because Scarlet showed me pictures of her and her sisters, she talks about them a lot.

I tap her shoulder lightly and she turns to me, her friends also looking at me with confusion. The blood rushes to my face as I stutter at first before regaining my composure and talking normally.

"H-Hey, I'm Asher. I was wondering if you know where Scarlet is?"

She smiles at me, "Oh so you're the famous Asher!" My heart flutters. "I saw her near the stage, she might still be there." 

I thanks her quickly and rush to find her. I go to the stage like her sister suggested and I see her with Aya. Apparently she was signing up for the costume contest. 

Aya sees me and smiles, motioning me to go over to them, so I do.

"Hey ladies," I greet them with a cowboy accent, "Looking lovely as always I see." They smile and snicker at my very bad attempt at being a cowboy.

"You look rather dashing too, cowboy." Scarlet smirks at me before returning to filling out the form "Although the accent is a fail."

"It's the thought that counts." I brush it off. 

"Oh! They refilled the punch!" Aya suddenly exclaimed. "See ya!" She waved to us and rushed away, but not before sending a quick subtle wink my way. Scarlet looked at her as she scurried away from us with confusion.

"It wasn't even empty..." She says out loud and shrugs, turning in her participation form and smiling at me.

"So, how's life?" 

"Pretty cool." I nod. "How's your life?"

"Like a hurricane went through it, but still in style." She flips her hair and giggles with me laughing along with her. "Nah, it's great. I have some confusion about the future, but like you said, I'll figure it out in time." She nudged my shoulder with a grin. I blush and scratch the back of my neck.

The song turns into a slow song, and the DJ tells everyone to pair up and sway to the music. Okay, this is it. Oh god.

"Letta, wanna dance with me?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Of course!" She exclaims and takes my hand in hers, walking by my side in between the crown to the middle of the room. I place my arms on her delicate waist, and she wraps her arms around my neck as we sway to the calm music, looking into one another's eyes.

A small smile finds it's way onto my face as I take in all her features, memorizing every little freckle decorating her adorable nose and rosy cheeks. The curves of her lips are turned upwards in a small smile, mirroring my own.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" I whisper, only loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes shine and her smile widens, cheeks get redder, and she looks down for a second before looking back in my eyes.

"Thanks." She says shyly, her voice soft and smooth like silk.

"And that's not even the best thing about you," I tell her and twirl her around, and spinning her back in my arms as I wrap my arms around her, "You're really smart, creative, passionate...The list never ends." I spin her again so we're facing each other now.

"Ash..." She trails off, her cheeks can compete with a cherry right now.

"Scarlet..." I mock her with a smile as we continue swaying to the music. 

"What's this all about?"

"Well, Scarlet. I, really really really like you." I confess. "I have for a long time. You just dragged me in and I couldn't get out. You're taking up all the space in my head that I can barely think about anything without you in it." I smile, my cheeks now as red as hers. My heart is beating fast and I think I'm sweating a lot but I'd rather not check.

I'm nervous. If she doesn't like me back then this friendship is over, I can't bare to not have her by my side. I don't know how or where I got the courage from, but I'm glad I did. Because if I didn't tell her tonight, I probably would have never told her, and I would've regretted that my entire life.

I still might though, I still don't know what she feels about me.

"But," She blinks, furrowing her eyebrows. "What about Aya? Aren't you two dating?"

I chuckle. "No, she's just been helping me gain some courage to finally tell you how I feel."


"So?" I breath deeply.

"Ash," She grins "I really really really like you too."

I wrap my arms around her tight as she does the same. I breathe in the smell of her sweet perfume, causing shivers to go down my spine.

I did it. I got the girl of my dreams.

Okay I may or may not be freaking out because they're finally together

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Okay I may or may not be freaking out because they're finally together.

If you haven't noticed, I'm very awkward at writing scenes like this because...well I don't know how people do that. Sorry if it's not that good, but I did my best.

Do you guys ship it or nah?

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