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The wedding march was heard through the vast hall, the sound not echoing due to the amount of people present.

The gates are opened as the bride walks out, her arm hooked with her father's arm. They walk forward slowly, neither one looking down as they keep their head up, smiling at the people who attended. 

Princess Aurora smiles at everyone her eyes meet, as they avoid the one pair she would never stare into with love. She keeps her head up, not allowing her tiara to falter on her last day as just princess Aurora of Avelyn.

She never thought she'd miss her title, but here she is.

As she walks closer to her soon to be husband, her eyes meet her mothers, whose eyes were filled with tears. She fought her own tears, but then she saw her sisters, and the weight only got heavier. Then her eyes met her best friends; Ella with Calum, Aya, Seema, and Lydia, and a tear managed to escape. Then she saw Chris, who looked back with a broken soul. And that was her last strike before her tears started to fall freely. 

She then looked at her father, who eventually had looked down in shame and heartbreak at the marble floor. She saw the regret in his cloudy eyes. She nudged him slightly, making him look at her, and she smiled, despite the tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. 

"I'll be fine." She whispered to him. 

He smiled at her with pride. He raised such a great princess. He knew that she would do anything for her country.

If only he knew just how far she's willing to go.

King Liam let his daughter go, as she stood in front of Prince Jake, who would soon be crowned king.

Aurora looked at the one person she truly ever hated, glancing at her subjects.

Chris felt an overwhelming pain through his veins as he watched the girl he loved getting married to someone other than him. He felt so selfish for wanting her all to himself, but he didn't care. He knew he made her happy, and that is his only wish.

Ella watched her best friend, who taught her to be free and not locked up by people's words, get caged in her worst nightmare. She couldn't imagine how stuck Aurora must feel, how hopeless she feels.

Her sisters watched with great sadness. Just a year ago, they cheered her on for her first independent project. Now she's leaving her own kingdom, away from her family, to live in the darkness instead of shining light on the people who need it, who need her.

"We are here gathered today, to combine not only two souls, but two kingdoms, in love and peace."


Such a simple word, with such big meaning. Yet it's wasted every minute of the day. People say it without meaning it, not realizing the true power behind this four lettered word.

"But before we do, does anybody object?" The priest called out.

That's our cue. Aurora thought.

She raised her hand, only for it to be smacked down by Jake, who glared at her. She glared back with intensity. 

After her own objection was denied, her sisters raised their hands, along with her best friends. But even their hands were brought down by Crounian guards. 

I can't let this happen. I can't. Aurora thought as she felt a lump in her throat, seeing her plan failing almost instantly.

The Avelians watched their princess in sorrow, noticing the sadness in her eyes. So one by one, the crowd started to raise their hands, eventually yelling.

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