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The king and queen had planned for days the secret competition for the crown of Avelyn.

"girls, your father and I have something to tell you three." Queen Rosalind announced at the dinner table, looking over at her husband, he started talking. 

"Well, we decided to give you girls a little challenge. We want you to live normal lives, be like any other girl in the world. Therefore, we're sending you three to London. We want you three to attend college, and get a job, maybe find some friends. It'll be a good change." The king explained.

"And perhaps, you'll find someone to love" The queen added. The king furrowed his eyebrows as his head snapped over to his wife "What? No, love is off limits!" He said making his wife roll her eyes.

"Liam, they're old enough to be able to find someone to join them in life" She tried to convince him, and the king sulked his chair, a sign that his queen had defeated him.

Through the king and queen's banter, the girls were frozen in different reactions.

Amelia had her mouth shaped in an 'O' with slight fear and nervousness in her eyes. Scarlet was full on terrified her Spoon was now on the floor from shock, and her eyes were as wide as saucers.

On the other hand, Aurora was grinning, her eyes were wide, true, but they weren't wide in fear like her older sisters, instead, it was sparkling with excitement and wonder. It was easy to tell that she loved the idea.

"And, Each of you will have someone to help you in your adventure. You can choose who you want to be with"

Finally, the girls were out of their state of shock, now bursting with words and objections and lots of questions.

Aurora stayed silent though, she was thinking about who she could take with her. That's when she remembered the girl that she had newly befriended upon meeting her in her public speech.

"Thanks mom and dad! I'll go tell my friend right away" Aurora grinned, kissing her parents' cheeks and running to her room to call her friend, Ella. 

Ella is a simple yet unique girl. She recently cut her hair and got some amber highlights in her hair. She and Aurora just clicked. It was a true friendship, she wasn't using Aurora for anything, and that made her a thousand times better. 

Growing up as a princess, it's been hard for Aurora to find friends, she never knew if people wanted to be her friend, or the crown's friend. And it sucked. But now, she has someone to depend on.

 But now, she has someone to depend on

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"WHAT!! WE'RE GOING TO LONDON?!?!?" Ella screamed into her phone out of delight.

"We still need to find ourselves a college though"

"well it's a good thing we just finished school. I want to study creative writing. What about you?" She asked

Aurora thought for a moment. What did she want to study?

"Maybe..You know how I love animals? maybe I can study zoology?" she wondered out loud for her best friend to hear.

"Awww that would be so perfect for you! I can totally see you as a zoologist! I say go for it" Ella tells her encouragingly.

"Well then, zoology it is. I can't wait!"

The girls then spent their night preparing and talking about their upcoming adventures, and they even started signing up for colleges, and they found a flat for them to live in while they're there.

The two teens were genuinely happy about this. Aurora was especially excited to live a normal life like any other girl. She was so ready to not be princess Aurora and just be Aurora.

I just wish I could say the same thing about the other two princesses..

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