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"Home sweet home." I sigh plopping on my bed. It was a long flight and I couldn't sleep on the plane so now I'm super tired. When we arrived we were greeted by our parents with hugs and kisses. 

As much as I miss being in London for college -with Chris- Nothing beats my own bed. Deciding to take a quick nap before I have to help organize the ball, I close my eyes and snuggle up to the comforter that's underneath me. I managed to keep them closed for two minutes before jolting up by a sound outside my room's door.

"I ain't get no sleep 'cause of y'all" Ella yells as she slams two pans together "Y'all not gonna sleep 'cause of me!"

I groan loudly enough for her to hear. And she did. She opens the door and comes in, laughing loudly.

"Using my superpowers against me, huh?" I chuckle.

"Payback bish!" She exclaims and we burst out laughing for a moment.

"So care to explain why I can't take a nap?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh!" She face palmed "Your mom asked for you to go to the dress room to sort out your dress for the ball." She told me "And you have to go right now, quickly!"


"Because she told me to call you ten minutes ago but I was looking for these." She grinned sheepishly, holding up the two pans she's got in her hands.

I narrow my eyes at her playfully, a smile forming on my face as I shake my head before we leave to the dress room. I slide down the railings of the large staircase because I am in no state to walk all those stairs.

After a while of sliding and slightly burning my butt, I finally get to the floor the dress room is, or as Scarlet calls it; heaven.

"Hey mom." I greet her as I walk in the room.

"Hey sweetie!" She smiled "Scarlet is just about done with your dress!"

As if on cue, Scarlet and Aya come out with grins on their faces. They each grab a hand of mine and drag me into the changing room and blindfold me.

"Oh come on!" I groan "Is the blindfold necessary?"

I hear them giggle before Aya speaks up "Yes! It's a surprise!" I grunt in response and feel them hand me the dress. The fabric is smooth and silky and very light.

With the help of the two girls, I finally get into the dress and they zip up the back of it. They lead me back to the main room, where my mom is waiting. I'm still blindfolded so I don't see her reaction, but I can tell she loves it from the gasp she let out.

"Oh my..."

"I know right!?" Scarlet exclaims.

"She looks stunning!" Aya adds.

"My baby is all grown up." I hear my mom say, and I can tell she's tearing up a little.

I chuckle before pointing out that I'm still blindfolded.

Finally, they remove the cloth covering my eyes -well, my glasses to be exact- I come face to face with a mirror, showing none other than me.

In a dress.

Looking like actual royalty for once.

Oh my god I'M A GIRL! And damn, I look hot! Holy cow is this really me? I feel beautiful- I am beautiful...wow!

Maybe I should wear dresses more often?

Okay yeah still not gonna do that. 

The dress is royal purple (I see what you did there, Scarlet) and the top is tight and has a lace-like material that resembles tiny flowers, the sleeves are off shoulder, showing the smooth skin, and perfect to show off any piece of jewelry that I wear with it. The skirt is flowy and smooth  and is somewhat puffed because of the layers and layers of ruffles underneath the skirt.

To say the least, it's gorgeous!

"Woah..." I breath out.

"Do you like it?" Scarlet asked nervously because I'm not one to like dresses.

"Like it? Letta, this.." I cut myself off as I spin around, staring at myself in awe "This is amazing! You two really outdone yourselves. I love it!"

Aya and Scarlet share a grin before looking at me again, admiring how I look.

"It's going to look perfect with your tiara." My mom says, walking closer to me. "You're finally earning your tiara, Rora!"

"And it's a special one too, it belonged to queen Emlyn when she was only a princess. Ever since you were little, I felt a connection, something tells me you're meant to have it." She told me as she put her hand on my shoulders and we both stared at me through the mirror.

"Thanks, mom."

Queen Emlyn and queen Clara have always been the people I look up to most, they just did so much for this kingdom. Sure, we have other amazing rulers -all of them actually- but those two really carved their names into our history. 

So to be wearing queen Emlyn's crown is a huge honor for me.

I hope to be as great as them one day.

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