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The large room was drowning in fake fog, spiderwebs around every corner of the room and tables, cauldrons of 'blood' (which was only fruit punch drench in food dye, a pain in the ass for those with sensitive stomachs and allergies.) with mist coming out of them, and pumpkins in every corner your eyesight reaches. It was no doubt that this holiday was heavily celebrated by the university students.

And of course to make it even better, all ticket profits will go to various charities to help those in need.

The colorful lights blinded those who entered the venue for a split second, grabbing their attention and filling them with Halloween spirit, or it could be an actual spirit, as this room has been said to be haunted, but who minds that anyway? Certainly not the group of students that came as the ghostbusters, or the scooby gang.

The speakers were blaring the lyrics of 'Thriller' as a crowd formed on the dance floor, dancing to the song, and they were so in sync that one would think they practiced it together multiple times, but it was only the power of fandoms combining them, giving them a night they'll forever treasure in their beating hearts.

Jake watches closely as Aurora, Chris, and Ella enter the heavily decorated room, looking around in awe. He smirked as he saw that Aurora was not with her date. 

Jake being on top of the chain, asked around casually and found out who asked her to the dance. Calum Martin, first year student, a bit shy but incredibly handsome with a toned body, beautiful jet black hair, semi deep dimples gracing his white smile that would have everyone falling for him if he were to show his grin to everyone.

Jake saw him as a threat to everything. Calum and Chris were both new and a beautiful sight to see. They were genuinely kind and fun to be around. He saw them as competition, because the only thing between them and Jake's place in the chain is their shyness. 

And they were both close to the one he wanted; Aurora.

He knew that he had no chance against them, but he was not one to give up, nor was he someone to mind cheating and tricking. Jake is the human equivalent of a sly fox. 

Jake watched the group of three best friends dancing and laughing as he waited for Calum to arrive. Seeing that he hasn't come yet, he takes the chance as he makes his way to where Aurora was and grabs her hand, twirling her into his own arm, away from her two friends who had their backs turned as they poured themselves some punch. He took her further away so they don't see them. 

She pulled away her hand and quickly unwrapped his arms from around her, standing her ground, glaring daggers at the masked stranger. Taking a closer look, she realized who he was.

"Jake?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "What the hell was that about?"

"Nothing, I just saw you were alone and I thought I'd take you to dance with me." He shrugged smugly.

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed. "Well you might want to replace that mask for some glasses, I was with Ella and Chris." 

"What about your date?" He asked. "Why is he not with you? You got ditched didn't you?" He laughs. "Admit it, nobody wants you. But you could be my princess-"

"Please," She scoffed and laughed dryly. "He's just running late. And I don't want anyone to want me, if you think that's going to make me sad, you're wrong. And I will never, and I mean never be your princess." She stated before leaving to find her friends once more. 

From the corner of his eyes, Jake saw Calum entering the room, stealing some breaths from girls around him. And he saw the two talk, but only seeing his face which was a smile the entire time. He smirked, making his way to him.

Calum looked at him confusedly, as he didn't say anything and just stood there, looking at Aurora's fading figure.

"Beautiful isn't she?" He finally spoke up.

"She is," Calum agreed. "But why are you talking to me?" 

"Just wanted to let you know that she was disappointed that you're late. She thinks you stood her up." He puts his hand on his shoulder, patting him in pity.

"Uh huh," He nodded sarcastically, he had texted texted Aurora telling her that he's running late and apologized. She was okay with it. "I'm sure she is." He smiled bitterly at him, removing his hand from his shoulder before starting to walk away, but Jake stopped him.

"She's a great dancer, too bad you weren't her first dance. Pretty sure she doesn't want you anymore, I mean, she has me." He lied with ease.

"I hate to break it to you buddy, but if she's a great dancer, I doubt that you're her first dance." He smirked, leaving for real this time as he shook his head and laughed lightly. 

If it wasn't for Chris telling him their relationship with Jake, he would have totally believed him and given up. But now he's on his way to Aurora, with hopes of giving her an incredible night she'll cherish forever.

His eyes met Chris' at first and they exchanged smiles. The two had become very good friends and they were glad to have someone they can rely on. 

Aurora turned to see who Chris smiled at, and a smile found it on her own face too. Calum's breath hitched in his throat. She already took his breath away when she wore sweatpants and a sweater to some classes, but now in a dress and all, she had reached a new level of beauty. He couldn't believe what he saw, she was an actual angel.

"Hey." He smiled shyly at her, a blush tinting his cheeks. Chris winked at him and left the two alone. Ella was dancing with someone she knew from her own classes.


"You look...stunning tonight." He sighed dreamily but then his eyes widened as he started rambling. "Not that you don't look good all the time, because you do but tonight you're too pretty and-" He gets cut off by her giggling.

"Thank you, Cal." She grinned at him. "You look very handsome too, not that you don't always look good." She joked, making them laugh.

"Well," He pulled out his hand and bowed down, looking up at her through his lashes. "Care for a dance, my lady?"

She giggled once more and curtsied, taking my hand in hers.

"I would love to."

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