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Upon arriving at the cinema, I realize that Amelia and her friend aren't here yet. I roll my eyes. I should've expected that, why do I always think others will be on time. From the corner of my eye I see Chris walking towards where I am. I don't even think he saw me.

"Chris?" He turns around and his eyes widen and a smile makes it onto his face. I smile back at him.

"Aurora! Fancy seeing you here!" He chuckles and I giggle as well. "You too! What movie are you watching?" 

"I honestly don't know. I was told to be here now, but apparently she's not here yet..Always late goddammit" He shakes his head.

My face drops when he says 'she' but then again he's a great guy and looks good. Of course he'd have a girlfriend.

Why am I even thinking about this no no no no I don't want to like anyone on the first day. There's no such thing as love at first sight. That's just some fairy tale BS right there.

I sigh and nod agreeing with him. 

"I know what you mean. My sister and her friend were supposed to be here now too."

"Huh that's weird.." He mutters. I turn to him and tilt my head confusedly.

"I was supposed to meet my sister and her friend here too. Oh and her friend's sister is coming apparently." He explains.

My eyes widen.

"Chris..I think we're the ones supposed to meet up" I laugh "My sister's friend is bringing her brother." His eyes widen too and we laugh.

"What a coincidence!" He laughs.

Wow he has a beautiful laugh. AND THAT'S JUST A FRIENDLY COMPLIMENT!

"Ugh girls take so long to get ready!!" I groan. Chris raises an eyebrow, taking his eyes off his phone as he was texting his sister and looks at me. "You're a girl." He reminds me. I nod "I am, but I literally take less than ten minutes to get ready. I started getting ready at 7:20, and the walk here is fifteen minutes. It's 7:43 right now." I tell him.

He looks impressed, raising both his eyebrows in a funny way. He then looks at my sweater and laughs. 

"I love your sweater by the way. Disney fan?"

"Huge. You have no idea!" I chuckle.

"I think I do" He trails off as he shows me his phone's background which has Timon and Pumba on it.

I look at him and say "we're going to get along just perfectly."

"Oh!" he exclaims "Speaking of that, count this as your first best friend hangout!" He nudges my arm with his. I smile at him and he smiles back. We just stand there in silence until we hear our sisters calling us.

 We just stand there in silence until we hear our sisters calling us

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"Aurora is so going to kill me. She's always on time for everything and I barely get there." I tell Lydia. We're sitting in her car as she drives to the cinema.

Now as a princess, I should have great time management, but sometimes I just can't do it! especially since this isn't as important as our princess duties.

"Same with my brother." She chuckles "They really are perfect for each other it seems" We laugh.

We arrive at the cinema and get out the car after Lydia parks. We walk to the front gate when we see our brother and sister together. Lydia and I look at each other with grins on our faces. We decide to just watch them for a while.

"This isn't creepy right?" She asks.

"Nah, we're their older sisters. Spying on them is what we do" I laugh.

"Awwww" We both say as they smile, looking into the others eyes. 

we then walk towards them and yell their names. They turn towards us, the smile still on their face and slight blushes tint both their cheeks.

After we all introduce ourselves to each other, I ask the real question.

"You guys already know each other?"

They both nod and Chris puts his arm around her shoulder and pulls her close. Aww. They're cute.

"Yup! I promised to be her best friend and give her a lifetime best friend experience since she's never had one." He explains, squeezing her side as she laughs, and her cheeks turn red. He looks at her in admiration as she laughs.

Lydia and I exchange knowing looks and smirks.

"Yeah..we both have the same schedule so we got to know each other a lot." She smiles.

"That's awesome! Alright now let's get our tickets and snacks. We're watching Annabelle." Lydia says as we walk towards the ticket stand. 

I know, the cliche horror movie to bring the two closer. But with a twist. Lydia told me Chris is terrified of horror movies, meanwhile Aurora, loves them.

And all that was proven by Chris' pale face and the wide grin on Rora's face. I laugh at them and proceed to buy my ticket.

"Uh..isn't there another movie?" Chris asks.

"What? Annabelle is a great movie!" Aurora protests "You're not scared are you?" 

"Well..." Chris trails off "I kinda really am..I hate horror movies." He admits.

Aurora laughs at the look on his face "Oh come on, don't worry I'll hold your hand and protect you" she winks playfully at him.

Did my sister just..flirt?

Chris rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless. "I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around but hey, I'm all about that girl power" He laughs and so do the rest of us.

We get the tickets and snacks and walk into the actual cinema to watch the movie -and scream a lot at it-  This'll be fun.

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