12| peek-a-boo! pt. 2

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"Ow! Are you fcking kidding me right now?!" the man with an ax on his head groaned in pain.

Mijoo didn't know what to do. She really hit the man she thought was a real dead person in the fcking face. And she punched him real hard.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you are not a real dead person. Like, who in the world would dress up like that?" she asked while gesturing to his costume. 

The man glared at her and scoffed. "Wow, how nice coming from you—the one who dressed up as a common lady ghost. Like, girl, where's your creativity?" he sassily retorted with one of his eyebrow raised. 

This made Mijoo's blood boil. "Oh wow. And you think you're being creative with that costume? Please, even a second grader has more creativity than you," she retaliated with anger seeping through her. 

"Really? Well a kindergartner is even more creative than you. Who would dress up as a typical white-faced, black long-haired ghost? In this year? Come on!" 

"Wow! You think yours isn't even more typical than mine? Even a pubescent boy would tell you your costume is so fucking typical and ugly."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but this 'typical' and 'ugly' costume scared the shit out of you."

"But, did I even mentioned that it didn't scare me? And besides, it isn't even really scary. I was just shocked because I was alone in the dark. Little sounds and actions will obviously scare me."

"Still, you were scared," he sing-song.

"Ha! You were even scared of me earlier. You even screamed louder and higher than me," Mijoo said smugly.

"I did not!"

"You surely did!"

"No, I did not!"

"You did, you dumbass!"


A loud sound coming from behind them stopped their childish argument. The two of them felt their palms sweating and their hearts palpitating so fast. They looked at each other and ran forward. While screaming like crazy lunatics. 

"I'm gonna fucking die!" Mijoo shouted whilst running. 

"Me too! I'm gonna die without even knowing who won our match a few minutes ago."

"I won, dumbass!"

"No, I won! Your costume is so typical," he argued as they ran and ran without looking behind their backs.

"It's not like yours is original. I won, you lose peasant!" 

"I won!"

"No, I won!"

"I surely won!"

"I-I won and I'm tired of running!"

"I won and I'm also tired! Let's stop for a minute."

They halted to a stop to catch their breaths. 

"T-This haunted house is so big. How can we even find the exist?" he asked Mijoo. The latter inhaled some more and sat on the floor. The guy followed her.

"I don't know, dude. All I know is my win from earlier's argument," she slyly responded. The guy scoffed at her words.

"Okay, you won. But, we both need to agree that our costumes are amazing."

Mijoo acted like she was thinking hard on the subject. "Mmmm. Okay. Deal."

"Good. Arguing with you was tiring."

"I know. By the way, why are you wearing that costume here?"

"Because, I want to scare the people in this haunted house so that they won't scare me that much. But, it didn't work except on you," he answered.

"Wow, that was my plan too!"

"You know what they say, 'great minds think alike'," he grinned at her. She responded with a laugh.

"Also, I would really like to apologize sincerely on what I did to your face."

"Nah, it's okay. You didn't break anything."

"No, really. I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing. How about you treat me coffee after we get out of here? How's that sound?" he asked her while smiling widely. Mijoo couldn't help but smile as wide as his.

"I'm Hoseok, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Hoeseok. I'm Mijoo."

"Can someone please drag me out of here?"

A/N: Hope you guys liked it! Don't forget to vote and comment~

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