09 | midnight

444 20 1

"You need to kill Kim Seokjin, the CEO of Kim Corp."

"I will."

That day, I didn't know I will regret saying those two words. 

'I will'. 

Those words containing so much determination and less mercy. Those words that I hope I could take back and leave everything behind. But I can't. Not until I finish everything.

Gaining Kim Seokjin's trust was difficult. He may acted like a friendly boss but inside, he's as cold as ice. He let people think he trusted them but no, he didn't trust anyone. 

Until I came in.

With months and months of hard work, I finally gained his trust. Heck, I even made him catch feelings. And that's what's hard in this mission. 

You see, I am known to be a good assassin. Whenever they gave me missions, I always perform the task 100% with ease. I don't get attach with my victims. I'm merciless towards them.

Until I met him. Kim Seokjin.

To carry out my mission, I applied to his company as his secretary. With those months of being his secretary, he only showed me kindness and comfort. That enraged me. I wanted him to treat me badly, make me suffer, shove me away. But, the only thing he did to me was treating me with immense kindness. 

Now, that was alarming to me. My boss ushered me to carry out my mission fast. Said that I was running out of time. So, the only thing I had in mind is to make him fall in love with me. 

It was not easy. But, I could see in his eyes that he already trusted me. I confessed to him that I had feelings for him. It was a hoax (or so I thought). But anyhow, he bit into the trap. 

We dated for weeks and it bloomed into something. That something was the downfall of my mission. 

Well, no, he was the downfall of my mission. It was my fault. I got too attached that I almost forgot I still had a mission to do. I caved in to his touch, his smell, his actions, his words, his everything. 

I thought it was he who bit into my trap but without knowing it was myself.

"Baby, are you ready to go?" I asked him. Tonight or maybe this midnight, I needed to finish my mission. They were too impatient but I still needed time. More time.

"Okay. Just let me save this document," he answered, smiling. I hate that smile. Please, don't smile at me. Not tonight.

I returned his smile shakily. I couldn't do this. Why did I even accept this mission anyway? The moment they handed me his profile, I knew, in the back of my mind, that I will lose. 

And boy, I lost.

"Come on, let's go," he said while circling his arm around my waist. I felt comfort in his touch. I felt calm. 

God, please give me more time.

Now, it was ironic and inappropriate of me to say that to God when I was about to end this man's life.

It was already eleven pm when we finally lay down in his bed after watching movies. We lay there in silence, just holding each other. Appreciating each other's presence. I waited for him to sleep in order for me to end his life.

I got out of his bed and went to grab the gun I hid under his bed. I know I could've killed him in those times we slept together, but I couldn't. Not when he looked so angelic, like not one worry in this world bothered him.

Gathering myself together, I aimed my gun towards him. I tried not to look at his face and just turned my eyes elsewhere. I tried not to be a coward. He's not important, I chanted in my mind. 

I finally faced him, about to pull the trigger. You can do this, Jisoo. Just pull it. Just shoot damn it.

"I wouldn't pull that if I were you," he calmly told me. His words laced with venom. His eyes casted toward me with anger hidden behind.

I lost.

A/N: Hope you guys like it! Don't forget to vote and comment! xx

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