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Pre serum

Steve Rogers sat at the counter of his and Bucky's Brooklyn apartment, adding the final touches to his latest drawing, it was a drawing of a rose bush he saw earlier that same day, he placed the sketch pad on the counter in front of him and crossed his skinny arms in satasfaction, good work Rogers he thought to himself.

He felt a pair of hands slide across his waist, Bucky had come home. The brunette kissed the top of the blonde's head and gazed at the artwork "it looks great Stevie" he complimented as Steve turned around in his chair to face him, he wrapped his arms around Bucky's neck and planted a kiss on Bucky's lips as if to say "thank you", Bucky pulled his tiny boyfriend closer to deepen the kiss as Steve hummed in appreciation.

Their lips parted and their foreheads pressed together, looking deeply into eachother's eyes, Bucky smiled hugely and Steve stared foundly back at his boyfriend.

Without hesitation or warning, Bucky swept his little Stevie off his feet and spun him around for a few seconds causing Steve to gasp a little "James Buchanan Barnes put me down!" Steve tried to squirm out of Bucky's grip only for Bucky to hold him tighter he began to smother the little man with kisses all over his face, Steve moving his head in every direction possible trying to avoid the affection, being unsuccessful.

"Your so cute and tiny I just wanna hold you in my arms forever. I love you so much" he spoke softly before placing another kiss on Steve's nose, he groaned, "I love you too Buck, but can you let me go please?" He asked while Bucky kissed his jawline, "Steve, get it through your head...

I'm never letting you go".


Post serum

Steve had been thinking about that moment a lot lately, he decided it was time to even up the scales. Bucky was on the phone with Nat (she needed someone to look after her apartment while she went on a mission) and Steve was writing a report for his latest mission (he and Tony had demolished HYDRA's newest base).

Once he was finished, he stood up from where he was sitting and walked over to Bucky who just hang up the phone. Steve slid his arms around Bucky's waist and kissed the back of his head "remember that thing we did back when I was tiny?" Bucky shrugged, "there where a lot of things we did when you were tiny, any in particular?" He asked, as an awnser, Steve swept Bucky of the ground and smiled at him cheekily.

Bucky had his hands at the back of Steve's neck."Oh, this one" he chuckled "payback time" Steve whispered as he began to place kisses on his husband's face.

"Ya know, I don't think this is payback" Bucky said as Steve pecked his forehead "why's that?" He asked softly before kissing Bucky's nose, "cause I know deep down, you loved it" Steve didn't awnser he just continued to place soft pecks on Bucky's jawline.

But secretly.....

He did enjoy it.

Bucky giggled "I love you so much" he whispered softly, "I love you too Buck...

And I'm never letting you go".

A/N this popped into my head one day and I had to write it so here ya go. Hope you enjoyed 💜

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