That bad, huh?

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Post serum

Bucky lifted his head and opened his eyes, he was in a dark room, he was sitting in a chair, ropes tied tightly around his stomach and legs, his flesh arm tied to one the arm rest, his metal one was shackled to the other.

Two other people were in the room with him, their backs facing the sergeant, from what the burnett could see, they looked like Maria Hill and Nick Fury.

"Fury, what is this?" He asked his voice rather dry, they both turned around and crossed their arms, intimidating looks on their faces.

"Consequences" Nick answered quickly, Bucky was confused, consequences? What does he mean?

Maria tapped on her ear com "come in Rogers" she spoke into it, Bucky heard doors opening from the front of the room, Steve walked into the room with his Captain America suit on, seriousness expressed all over his face.

"Steve, what's going on?" Bucky asked, fear begging to rise to the surface, Steve smiled wickedly "we figured it was about time you got what you deserved" he answered as Maria walked towards Steve and handed him something....

A pistol gun...

Tears began to form in Bucky's eyes, what was he doing?, "did you really think" Steve paused "after all you've done, I'd actually give a damn about you?" he chuckled evily "your worthless James. Did you think anyone, literally anyone would love a criminal like you?" Tears streamed down Bucky's cheeks "th--- that wasn't me. You said so yourself" Steve quickly glanced at the gun in his hand, "guess I was wrong" it took everything in the sergeant not to start sobbing.

Steve raised his free hand and loaded the gun, Bucky began to panic "Steve, please, please don't do this, Wh-- why are you doing this!?!?" The blonde pointed the gun at Bucky "it's what I should have done on that bridge two years ago" Bucky was panting violently, tears fell like waterfalls down the sides of his face.

"The world would've been better off without you, you should have died when you fell from that train" Bucky couldn't hold it together anymore, a sob left his throat along with another and another, "you don't mean that" he exclaimed before another sob left him, Steve pointed the gun at Bucky and took a small step closer, "oh, I think I do" Bucky hung his head, the words stabbed him like a knife, "I'm just doing what's right Buck, and isn't that what Captain America's supposed to do?" Bucky screwed up his face before he heard the sound of a bullet leaving a gun.

Bucky jolted upright in bed panting like mad, his forehead drenched with sweat, he buried his face in his hands and began to sob violently into his palm's, tears soaking the skin and leaking onto the covers.

"Bucky its okay, its okay, I'm here. I'm right here" Steve soothed rubbing the burnett's shoulder, Bucky shifted his gaze to the blonde, his eyes where red and puffy. In a flash, Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve, burying his face in the crook of his neck, sobbing viscously.

"That bad, huh?" Steve said as he held Bucky in his arms, placing butterfly kisses on the top of his head Bucky nodded slightly, "you wanna talk about it?" He asked the burnett, Bucky nodded again "I was tied to a chair. Agent Hill and Fury were there. You were there too, you said that "I should have died when I fell from that train", that "I was worthless", and that "that no one would ever love a criminal like me". Th-- then you shot me" Bucky began to cry harder "Steve, are you sure you love me?"

Steve was hurt really bad by that story, Bucky didn't deserve all this misery and guilt, he deserved be happy "god Buck, if only there were words to describe how much I love you, every part of me loves you, and as long as there's life in me I'll never stop loving you. What happened in the dream wasn't real, and you know god damn well I would never say such things" Bucky's tears began to slow down "do you need anything?" Steve asked him "no, I just need you right now" Bucky pulled back from the embrace so he was looking into Steve's blue orbs, Steve raised a hand to his cheek, he wiped a tear away before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend passionately, Bucky greatfully kissed back feeling more and more safe as it went on.

Steve broke away from the kiss and leaned further down to kiss Bucky's neck, a sigh left the sergeant's mouth as Steve pecked the skin lightly before coming back up to send butterfly kisses along his jawline, he was about to kiss his lips again but he noticed the burnett had fallen asleep, the blonde chuckled as he placed the sergeant down on the bed, one hand at the back of his head, the other behind his back, he layed down beside him and guided a lose strand of hair behind his ear, Bucky snuggled into Steve's chest and wrapped an arm around his waist, Steve pulled him closer to his body and kissed his forehead.

"I love you Buck, so much" his voice barely a whisper, he pulled the covers over the both of them and began to drift off into a deep sleep.

Bucky was grinned when he heard his words.

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