I Can't See You *Part Four* (republished)

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A Thunderstorm.

There had to be a f**cking thunderstorm while Bucky's eyes weren't working.

Steve peeked out of the window to see rain bucketing down on the city, he went to the kitchen to make a sandwich for him and Bucky, he was half done when he saw it.

Light flashed through the closed curtains, the blonde knew the next worse thing was coming, the thunder.


Steve heard a startled noise from his and Bucky's shared room, he dropped what he was doing and dashed for Bucky.

He burst into the room, Bucky sat up in bed and turned his head towards him, his face showed he was scared and needed to be held "Stevie", "I know, baby, I know" Steve said softly before placing himself next to Bucky on the bed, Bucky sat up and crossed his legs, Steve doing the same, then Steve grabbed the blanket and I wrapped them around Bucky.

Steve scooped the burnet up bridal style and placed him in his lap, one arm under the burnet's legs and the other around his back, Bucky wrapped his arms around the blondes neck and buried his face into the blondes chest, lightning flashed again and the booms came later, Bucky yelped and gripped Steve tighter, "shhhhh its okay, honey. I'm right here, I'm here and I'm not going away, I promise you" Bucky nodded against Steves chest.

"Buck, can you move your head up so I can kiss you?"

The burnett obliged he tilted his head up and was gifted with a soft peck on the lips, Steve pecked his boyfriends lips again and again until the burnet was giggling like an idiot, Steve kissed all over Bucky's face whispering "I love you" every now and again until they were both giggling messes.

"I love you" Bucky said with a happy tone that Steve hasn't heard in a long time, he smiled "I love you more" the blonde replied, "impossible" the burnet said back.


Bucky woke up the next morning. he pulled the covers off himself and left the bed.

He walked to the window, he opened it and there it was, the city. Buildings towering up to the sky, the sound of traffic on the roads, the pink and orange glow of the sunrise... He could see!

The burnet looked around the room, his eyes landed on a person in his bed, Steve, oh my god its Steve.

He strolled back to the bed, he sat down and crossed his legs, he tapped Steves shoulder "Stevie? Wake up babe" Steves eyes opened slowly, he looked at the burnet in confusion, Bucky chuckled "you have the bluest eyes" Steve pulled the covers off himself and grabbed Bucky's shoulders "w- what? Does this mean--" "yes, baby. I can see you" Steve gasped "oh my god!!!" He yelled and pulled his love into his arms, the burnet pulled away from the hug and kissed the blonde desperately, Steve kissed back with immense passion, it was just them, all alone.

Bucky looked at Steve, hands on either side his face, the burnet taking in every small detail of his lovers face, his beautiful, beautiful blue eyes are slightly crinkled because he's smiling, his cheeks mostly covered by his hands, his perfectly carved nose and his emotional smile

"You're beautiful, Stevie" Bucky whispered to his lover, tearing up. "Wait no, sweetie don't cry or I'm gonna cry" Steve said back, tears falling down his face. "I love you so much, baby doll" "I love you too sweetheart. So, so much".

The two lovers held on to each other for what felt like forever before they told the team, Bucky was smothered in hugs and love.


The team held a movie night to celebrate, after back and forth arguing they decided on Frozen 2, though Steve and Bucky never played attention go the movie. They were cuddled up on the love seat. Their eyes fixed on each other, electricity sparked between them, kisses were shared every now and again.

Everyone went to bed after the movie ended, Steve and Bucky stayed on the love seat, half asleep.

Steve whispered to his lover, "Bucky, I need to ask you something".

"Mmhmm, what is it?" Bucky whispered back.

"Will you marry me?" The words slowly slipped out of Steves lips.

Bucky smiled "of course".

They went to bed, and for the first time in a long time. They were truly happy.

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