❄Snowball fight❄

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Bucky Barnes woke up from a peaceful sleep, ready for the new day. He leaped out of bed, put on a clean set of clothes and opened his curtains to reveal that it was snowing.

Bucky got excited, he loved the snow, he remembered when he was a kid Steve and him would have snowball fights, he smiled at the happy memory and went to go wake up Steve.

Fortunately, the blonde was already awake, dressed in a gray shirt with with military green sweat pants, he noticed the burnett standing in the doorway smiling like a kid in a candy shop.

"Hey pal, you seem in a good mood" he nodded "its snowing outside and I thought we could go out like the old days" Steve chuckled then blushed a little "yeah, we had a lot of fun back then, didn't we?" Bucky walked over to the blonde and pat his shoulder "so, is that a yes?" Steve smirked, happily "sure, I'll be out in a sec" Bucky mumbled "yes" under his breath "I'll see you in a bit, punk" he he called out as he left the room, "likewise, jerk".

In about ten minutes the two super soliders were outside in the backyard of the compound, the fresh snow covering the earth, layered in warm clothing, throwing snowballs around.

Ducking and jerking everywhere trying to avoid the mini ice boulders coming their way, getting hit every so often, "just like old times" Bucky yelled at the Captain which was on the other side of the field, "yup" Steve shouted back before plummeting another snowball at him, Bucky only just managed to doge it, before he threw his own snowball at the blonde, it hit him square in the face.

Steve didn't brace himself for impact so he ended up falling backwards and hitting the snow covered ground beneath him, Bucky felt really bad and jogged over to his friend to see if he was okay.

He sat on his knees beside the blonde who had his eyes closed and a peaking grin on his face, "you alright Captain?" He asked him smiling to himself, "good throw, Sergeant" he complimented before bursting into laughter, the burnett joining him.

After a few minutes of constant laughing, the super soldiers where standing in the backyard taking in the beauty of the scene.

"Remember that snowball fight we had when I was 10? You were 11" Bucky chuckled "yeah and I threw one at you so hard it bruised your stomach. Sarah gave me quite the earful" Steve turned his head to the burnett "you hit me in the face, I got a black eye, it didn't heal for weeks".

Bucky nuged his arm "what? I didn't hit you in the face" Steve turned his whole body towards him "yes you did" he playfully pushed him, Bucky pushed him back "did not" he protested "did so" Steve shot back "did not!" Bucky said more harshly than he he meant too "oh, you wanna go James!" Steve yelled like a child before throwing the sergeant over his shoulder, landing on the ground with a thump.

Steve was on his hands and knees his face at least a foot away from Bucky's which was upside down from his point of view, "yes. You. Did" he sounded so sassy, Bucky rolled his eyes in defeat, "punk" he whispered to the blonde "jerk" he answered, Steve got up from the snowy ground and lended the burnett a hand, he took it without hesitation and the blonde pulled him to his feet.

Bucky obviously didn't keep his balance because he fell forward into Steve's embrace, his forearms pressed against the Captains chest "uhhh, s-- sorry I--" Steve cut him off "---its ok Buck" it didn't seem he had any intention letting go of the Sergeant, the blonde lifted a hand to his cheek, "I'm going to kiss you, brace yourself" wait, WHAT? Too late, Steve's lips were already on his.

Bucky was shell shocked, his eyes where wide open and his heart beating so hard he swore it was out of his chest, but after a few seconds, his eyes slowly closed and he kissed back.

The kiss was lasting forever, it was magical, spectacular, amazing... Gah! There were so many words to describe this moment.

The two super soldiers finally realized that they had to breathe, their faces separated and their foreheads pressed together, "woah" Bucky whispered, Steve chuckled "you kissed back, I didn't think you would" Bucky shrugged "why wouldn't I? I've been in love with you for a while now, I thought I was the only one" Steve pulled back a little and guided a lose strand of hair behind his ear "so did I, guess we were both wrong" Bucky chuckled "yeah, I guess we were" he answered.

They stared into eachother's eyes, happy to be sharing this moment with each other, finally their feelings for each other were off their chests and they it couldn't be more perfect.

"Over here old timers!" The two new lovebirds turned their heads to see all of the Avengers standing 10 meters away from them, smiling like idiots, all wearing full rainbow outfits "what the f-- how long have you been standing there?" The blonde asked the
Color covered hero's "long enough to know you guys are HELLA GAY!!!!" Natasha yelled before everyone else burst into cheering, Wanda and Natasha hugged while jumping up and down, then Natasha jumped on Sam's back and he spun her around, Tony and Bruce did a double high five, Peter (who was visiting for the day) waved pride flags while having one arm over Clints shoulder, Rhodey and Scott chanted "there gay, gay, gay we say" over and over at the top of their lungs, the super soldiers turned bright red and entwined their fingers.

The hero's ran towards the new couple and group hugged them, Bucky and Steve stood in the middle of the color covered Avengers, knowing that they were accepted.

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