Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow (republished)

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This chapter is based off the beautiful song "Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow" by Freddie Mercury, it touched my heart and inspired an idea. I hope you love it as much as I do! 💕 (I will references parts of the video) its really freaking long, my bad.

The couple sat in the hospital waiting room, anxiously. Soon the door will open and all will be revealed.

Bucky gripped Steves hand tightly, he was so scared about what might happen, Steve caught the burnet's eyes and smiled, he opened his mouth to speak but the white door opened and a gray haired man with a name tag that said 'Dr Frank' walked outside and towards the couple.

And the news wasn't good.

He explained how the serum had begun to turn on Steves own body, it was slowly shutting down system by system, Steve thanked the doctor.

Bucky was quiet, his heart silently breaking.

The couple walked out of the hospital, Bucky tried to control the overwhelming emotions hitting him at full speed. Anger, sadness, fear, etc.

Bucky broke down when they got in their car, tears streamed down his face as he sat in the passenger seat. Steve doing his best to calm him down.

"Bucky, babe. Everything will be okay--"

"No! No it won't! I'm going to lose you, Steve!" The burnet yelled and silence fell upon the car.

Steve brought his lovers hand to his cheek and kissed the palm, "listen, sweetheart. I know you don't wanna lose me like this, but that's just how its gonna go, besides we have four months, that's plenty of time for me to spend with the love of my life. I love you so much Bucky, so, so much"

Bucky sniffed, "I love you too, Stevie. So much".


They had one final party with the Avengers before they set off on the road.

They explored the country, they went to every place they'd ever wanted to go in the US, The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Miami Beach, Disney World, ect.

Then they took it international, they tried the chocolates and the cheese in Sweden, had fresh pasta in Italy and made a spontaneous trip to Paris.

Steve and Bucky put their locks on The Lock Bridge, they watched in amazement at the flashing lights of the Eifel Tower lit up the night and did some fun things in their hotel room.

Cuddled up in bed, Bucky lying on Steves bare chest, arms wrapped warmly around each other, Steve whispered in his lovers ear.

"Bucky, will you marry me?"

Bucky opened his eyes and smiled, "of course" he whispered back.

They booked a plane to Vegas the next morning, got married and found a hotel with a honeymoon suite.

When they returned home, there where four weeks left until Steve was estimated to die, the couple decided to stay home and occasionally go out.

Bucky sat at the table feeling a little down, after all the fun he almost forgot he was going to lose his now husband, Steve noticed this and decided he was gonna set something up for him.

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