time to move on

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Hey everyone! I thought id be best to let you know that this book is over, officially, this it it.

I am extremely grateful for all your lovely comments, votes and everything you've done to encourage me, I never thought these would do as well as they did. So from the bottom of my very soul, thank you.

Stucky is a great ship and I'll always love it, but it can't be canon anymore so it just kinda feels like a pointless fight at this point, you feel me? And I feel like I've had way to much of a closed mind because of Stucky, its the majority of the books in my library and i feel like I need to branch out a bit, its a good skill and I think everyone should try it.

Thanks again for everything, I love you all so much! 💛💙💜💚❤💗💓💕💖💞💘💋😍😘

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