Alternate Endgame AU (edited)

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A/N: an AU where Bucky survived the snap and went to Vormir with Steve and Clint and Natasha went to 2012 New York, enjoy!?

Steve and Bucky walked up the mountain on Vormir, chatting to one another. Not having a clue what would wait at the top. "I bet that raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain" Bucky said, he didn't really like the Rocket, he got on the Soldier's nerves, alot. "Technically he's not a raccoon" Steve answered after taking a audible breath "oh whatever it eats garbage" Bucky argued back at his boyfriend before continuing to climb.

They made it to the top, the rock was less mountain like, looked more man made. They looked around in confusion before hearing something behind them, Steve pulled out his shield and Bucky pulled out a pistol gun, ready to fight.

"Steven Rogers, son of Sarah"

"James Barnes, son of George"

A dark cloaked figure floated towards them, its face left the shadows and revealed itself, "Redskull, son of a bitch" Steve said under his breath and Bucky tried not to laugh in this serious moment, succeeding to control himself "you seek the soul stone, of course. Well consider me a guide to it" Buckys feet shifted, "ok, guide us to where it is and we will be on our way" the burnet man stated "ah, if only it were that easy".

The two soldiers were lead to a cliff, red skull a few feet away on their right, we looked over the edge "the stone's down there" Steve said, then Redskull spoke up, "to obtain the stone, it demands a sacrifice. To obtain the stone, you must lose that which you love, a soul for a soul".

Well crap.

Bucky walked around and Steve sat for about half an hour contemplating what to do "maybe he's making it up" Bucky said to his boyfriend, "no, Thanos came up here and returned with the stone but without his daughter, its not a coincidence" the blonde man explained before adding "whatever it takes" Bucky looked back to the edge of the cliff, "whatever it takes" the burnet whispered.

Steve stood up from the rock he was sitting on "If we don't get that stone, we fail and millions will stay dead" "I know, Steve. We will get it, we both know who should go over" the blonde nodded before Bucky snaked his hand behind his neck and placed a gentle kiss on his lovers lips, it was soft and caring.

They looked at each other with "farewell, my love" eyes, "were not thinking of the same person aren't we?" Bucky asked knowing the answer, Steve shook his head "no.
Seems like we aren't".

"Steve you know it has to be me, you know what I've done--" "how many times Buck IT WASN'T YOU!" Silence fell between them, Bucky moved closer to his lover, Steve did too until the gap was closed with another kiss.

their lips brushed against each other softly and lovingly but with a hint of fear, fear that this would be the last time.

The kiss gently broke off and the two men looked into each other's eyes "okay" Steve said, "you win" the blonde added before taking a small step back, Bucky nodded sadly.

Steve shoved the burnet to the ground, Steve pinned the man below him down with an iron grip, "tell the Avengers I love them" Steve told his lover before his legs were kicked out from below and now there positions were switched, "tell them yourself" Bucky shot the words at the Captain before making a run for the edge, Steve maneuvered himself around and grabbed Buckys foot just before he could get any far, he fell to the ground and Steve quickly got up and dashed for it.

Bucky quickly noticed Steve's shield, he grabbed it with his metal hand and threw it at the Captain, he fell to the ground and clutched his side, Bucky gave him a sorry look as he dropped his rifle and jumped off the cliff.

Bucky was in mid air, he thought he saved Steve but he felt someone grab him, as they fell that person pulled Buckys grappling hook from his suit pocket, the grabbing part took hold of the cliff and the other around Bucky's belt, the hook ran out and they stopped falling.

They hit the cliff causing Steve to fall before Bucky grabbed his wrist with his flesh hand, he held tight to the blonde and looked at his belt, the hook was wrapped around good, he looked at the Captain with angry eyes, "damn you, you punk!" He half yelled at him, he tried to use his metal hand to pull Steve up but he couldn't reach due to his position, Bucky was holding Steve, Steve wasn't holding Bucky back.

Steve looked down at the cliffs bottom, it was quite a fall. He looked at Bucky with knowing eyes "c'mon, sweetheart. You have to let go" Bucky shook his head aggressively, "no. No Steve, please no" the burnets eyes teared up, desperate not to loose the one he loved.

"Its okay, Buck. I love you"

"Please, baby?"



"Oh my god, are you telling me we actually got them all?" Rhodey asked retorically, Bucky stood down from the platform with tears in his eyes "Bucky where's Steve?" Bruce asked, Bucky revealed something from behind his back, Steve's Shield.

Nats eyes dropped to the floor, Bucky began to cry audibly, he shoved the stone into Tony's hands and walked away, dropping the shield as he went.

He came back out not too long after and the avengers held a small memorial for their friend, their Captain.


"Avengers, assemble!" Tony yelled before the army began to run toward the enemy, for you Steve, Bucky thought as he began running. The battle went on for what seemed like hours, all of a sudden. Thanos's army all turned to dust. Bucky saw Tony up against a wall, his arm all the way up to the side of his face was charred, his loved ones surrounded him as he slowly slipped away.

Bucky stood by Sam and Wanda at his funeral, they all watched the bundle of flowers with his arc reactor on top engraved with "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart" floated out onto the lake.

Bruce, Clint and Natasha returned the stones, Sam and Bucky waited for them to return, which they did.

"Hey, Sam. I didn't want to do this till later but I can't really seem to help it" Bucky said before walking over to a tree, he picked up whatever was behind it, and walked back, it was the shield. Sam looked at him "Buck, I don't know--" "c'mon, he would've wanted you to have it, so take it" slowly but surely, Sam did take it. The others congratulated him as Bucky looked on proudly, knowing Sam would use it well.

Bucky moved on with his life, surrounded by friends. But he never loved again.

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