Ti amo

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This shot is based of the edit and video above, the video is of Joe and Nicky from "The Old Guard" 100/10 movie btw go watch it on Netflix, you'll have to put the timer on 1:48 to find the exact scene this shot is based off and psa whatever language their speaking is not the same as the one in this, enjoy! 💞

Bucky's POV

My eyes slowly began to open, color being added to my vision. As my eyes focused on everything I noticed I was in a hospital room on a bed, I remember what happened the day before. A mission had gone south which left Steve and I in absolute shambles.

I remembered Steve pulling himself over me, calling my name as I passed out from blood loss.

I look down at my bandaged body, my sliced arm and left leg had a clean wrap around them, I felt the band aid on my forehead and fake stiches on my right eyebrow, I could also feel the wrapping around my stomach underneath the gown I was wearing.

I look over to my right, Steve is next to me, in an identical bed and gown with scrapes and bruises on his face, cuts on his arms. His eyes were open and he turned to look at me.

"I'm up" I say with a smile, he smiles back. "I'm glad" the Captain says and reaches his hand out to me, I take it and he rubs my knuckles with his thumb. "How you feeling, love?" "I'm okay, baby. You?" He smiles again "I'm okay, at least we made it out alive, right?" I nod in agreement.

For a while we remain silent, our hands still connected. He lookes at the ceiling as I watch him, I'm so lucky, the man everyone dreams of having is mine, and I'm his. It still feels like a dream.

"What'cha thinkin' about, baby?" Steve smiles at the pet name, "Italy" he whispers loud enough for me to hear, we've been their several times throughout our lives, he wasn't specific.

"What time in Italy?" I ask him. He smiles at me and raises his eyebrows in a flirty way, I immediately understand "ah... That time in Italy"


It was in 1943, we were alone for the first time in months, we found a recently abandoned house and decided to spend the night. It was that night nothing was held back between us, we loved eachother into the morning light, we held onto the other tightly, wanting to stay like this forever.


We both let out breathy chuckles and I looked to the ceiling, still holding Steve's hand. "Dovremmo tonarci un giorno" I spoke in Italian to Steve and he smiled wider "sarebbe carino" he spoke back and I turned my head to face my boyfriend again, him doing the same.

"Ti amo tesoro" I brought his hand to my lips and he blushed, "ti amo tanto" the beautiful man before me said back.

I'm going to marry this man, and no one will stop me.

Here are the translations:

Dovremmo tornarci un giorno= we should go back there someday

Sarebbe carino= that would be nice

Ti amo tesoro= I love you my darling

Ti amo tanto= I love you so much

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