Soft babies

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Buckys POV

I woke up early today, which is rare but whatever.

I turned over in bed and smiled, right next to me lied my beautiful boyfriend, my Stevie.

His hair's a mess, his left arm is under the pillow his head is resting on, his pretty eyes closed and dreaming, he's so cute. I love him.

Steves eyes begin to slowly open and he notices me watching him, he grins. "what?" He says with a dry voice.

"You, babydoll. Just you" I say as I go down to kiss him, he tasted gross due to morning breath but whatever, I'm kissing him is all that matters right now.

"You wanna get up?" I asked, he thought for a moment, "nah, let's just stay in bed today. We hardly ever get days off so let's make the most of it".

And that's exactly what we did, we cuddled up under the sheets, watched movies on Steves laptop, we made out time and time again. I loved every minute of it.

"I love you, sweetheart" he whispered after another intense make out session "and I love you, babydoll".


Steves POV

I hated long missions, longer missions mean the longer I'm away from my Bucky and our little girl. I miss them so much.

Me, Tony, Nat, Bruce and Sam all arrive back at our hideout. I immediately go to my quarters and pick up my phone.

"Hey, Stevie" he said when his face popped up on facetime

"Hey, honey. How is everything?"

Bucky sighed, "its okay, I guess. This little one's been keeping me up all night" he pointed down to his lap where our baby girl, Bluebird was sitting in his lap.

"Daddy!!!!" The two year old squeaked when she saw me. I melted.

"Hey, sweetie. Have you been good for papa?" She smiled cheekily "I'm taking that as a no" she giggled and Bucky chuckled "ok, Blue. Time you ran off. I need to talk with Daddy"

"Okay, bye Daddy!!!"

"Bye, sweetie. See you when I get home!".

Bucky smiled "I miss you, babe"

I sighed, "I miss you too".


Buckys POV

(Pre serum)

I love my tiny Stevie so much. he's just too cute to handle.

When he can't reach the top shelf he'll look at me with puppy eyes and I can't do anything else but grab whatever he's trying to reach and give it to him. Then he says a shy "thank you" and walks away, and I instantly melt.

when we cuddle, he'll lift his head up and I'll nuzzle his neck and kiss it and he'll do this adorable little giggle that he knows ia too much for me, I swear he wants to kill me.

"I love you, so, so, so much, baby"

"I love you too, Bucky. Can you put me down now?"

I held him bridal style, his hands hooked at the back of my neck, I lightly kissed his face all over.

Again. I love him too much.

Something short and cute as a late Christmas present! I hope you had a great Christmas and bring on the new year! 🎆🎇🎉🎊

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