Don't go away... I need you

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This ones a long one, oops.

Buckys POV

"They're keeping me here late tonight, I might not be home till midnight, maybe after that" Steves soft voice said to me through the phone. My heart dropped, I have to sleep without him. That means the odds of having a nightmare or a panic attack are through the roof.

"I tried to see if I could make it home earlier but they really need me at the compound, sorry baby" I tried to respond with a tone that didn't sound like I was about to cry, "its okay, Stevie. I'll try to last the night" success I thought.

I heard him sigh, "ill send you a voicemail to help you sleep" he declared, "okay, i'll see you later, Stevie"

"Okay, night baby, I love you"

"Night, Steve. I love you"

Please come home.

My phone buzzed As I removed my red shirt and replaced it with a black tank top, its the voicemail. Even if listening to it makes me sleep, it won't wrap its arms around me if I wake up yelling.

I open my inbox and press play on the voicemail after I lift the covers and place them over me.

"Hello, darling. Do you remember when we met? I was five and you were six. You were playing hide and seek with other kids, you turned a corner and accidently ran into me, you helped me pick up the things I dropped and asked me my name I said "I'm Steve, what's yours?" You told me it was James, I said it sounded too formal and asked for your middle name, you said Buchanan. I couldn't say it, so I shortened it to Bucky and called you that ever since"

I smiled, maybe this would help.

"God you're so strong, Buck. Every day you push to be better and overcome the past. You amaze me every day with how you make small things feel like victories. I'm gonna marry you one day, that's a promise. I love you, I love you I love you I love you, I love you, I love you so so much. Try to sleep tonight, my baby. You deserve it, again I love you with everything I am, goodnight"

I closed the voicemail, with Steves words echoing in my head, I slowly drifted of to sleep.


Dark, everything is dark.

I tried to move, but I was restricted by what felt like cold metal.

Chains. Chains attached to my arms and my upper body.

I heard talking from behind me, it was mostly mumbling but it got louder as the conversation went on.

"Remind me again, Captain. Why are you giving him to us, aren't you two close anymore?"

"The Bucky I loved is dead. This isn't him. He's nothing to me"

Steve? No, it can't be him. He wouldn't say that, he loves me.

The two men appeared in my vision, it was Steve and the other guy was my handler from the 90s.

"Steve, why? Why are you leaving me with them??? You said you wouldn't let them get me" tears threatened to fall, this can't be happening.

"You're a burden, you're always in the way of things, how can I be Captain America when you always need attention?" The blonde man snapped at me.

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