I was supposed to protect you

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TRIGGER WARNING⛔ Death and suicide, if that harms you in any way please do not read, but if you are having issues with mental health right now, just know its okay to ask for help. Please don't give up! I believe in you! 💕😘

Bucky limped down the snow covered street, his vision fading in and out, a trail of blood following him home, a hole in his stomach. Trying to get to Steve before it was too late. If he was to die tonight, he had to see his husband first.

Something moved inside his wound and he came tumbling to the icy ground, he was so close, their house was only a few meters away but he couldn't go on anymore. He used the last of his strength to prop himself against the stone wall in front of the neighbors house.

His phone rang.

He pulled it out of his pocket, it was Steve. He pressed the green button and put the phone to his ear, "h- hey, Stevie" he said trying his best to sound normal.

"Hey, Buck. Are you almost home?" "I'm almost there, baby. Almost home"
He could see Steve standing in the window, his back turned to it. Bucky hoped and prayed he wouldn't turn around and see him.

"Good. I've missed you the past week" Steve could feel Bucky's smile, "I've m- missed you, too" his blood pooled onto the snow around him, he almost couldn't speak.

"You- you know that I love you, right?" Bucky stuttered out, Steve chuckled on the other end. "Of course I know, what'd made you think I didn't kn-- oh my god, Bucky!" Steve had turned around and seen Bucky.

"Dammit" Bucky dropped his hand and hung up the phone, "BUCKY! Oh god, Bucky. Why didn't you tell me?!" Steve shouted as he pressed his hand to the wound, "I didn't intend on being saved, I just wanted to see you before I left".

Steve shook his head as he called help, "its gonna be okay, Buck. Stay with me- hi, I- I need an ambulance ASAP! My husband has been shot in the stomach, we're at *insert address* please be quick!" He hung up soon after and continued to try and stop the bleeding.

"Steve, they won't make it in time" "no, Buck. Don't talk like that, you're gonna be okay. Don't give up, not now" Steve's eyes began to water, soon enough he was sobbing.

"Please, don't cry baby doll. It's gonna be okay, it'll be okay" Bucky comforted weakly as he brought his shaking hand to Steve's cheek, he wiped his tears away, trying his hardest to smile, hoping to make his Stevie feel a tiny bit better.

"I love you, my Stevie. I love you more than anything in the world, ever since we were kids. When I married you I'd never been happier in my life, you mean everything to me and more. I hope you know that, Stevie, I love you, I'll always love--"

Bucky's head sank forward, his eyes closed, his breathing stopped and as did his heart.

He was gone.

"Bucky? No, no no no no, Buck? James, come back to me, PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!" He pulled Bucky's body into his, holding him close in the cold night, sobbing and wailing loudly as the sound of ambulance and police sirens grew louder.


The Avengers had to be called, he wasn't letting go of the body. They arrived at the scene to a horrible site, their friend clinging onto his husband's dead body refusing to let go. Nat and Sam walked over to Steve while the other's asked questions about what happened.

Sam placed his hand on Steves slumped shoulder, "Steve, c'mon man, you need to let him go" Steve gripped Bucky tighter and squeezed his eyes shut "no, I can't, I can't leave him, I won't leave him" Sam looked to Nat, silently asking her to step in. She nodded and knelt down beside her friend.

"Please, Steve. I know you're hurting, but James wouldn't want you to do this, he would want you to let go" Steve opened his eyes, to Nat he seemed to be thinking. "Promise me he'll be looked after? That he'll be given the best treatment?" He asked the red head and she nodded "I promise, he'll be treated the way he deserves".

Steve nodded back at her and placed one final kiss to Buckys forhead "I love you, too. I always will" he whispered against cold skin, just to him, for no one else to hear.

Steve gently placed Bucky down, Nat pulled him up from the ground and into her car, the whole time Steve watched as the medics carefully lifted his husbands body onto a stretcher and rolled him to the ambulance, Bucky was soon out of his sight.

Nat began driving, Steve stared aimlessly out the window, wanting, needing Bucky, to feel his hands on his face, caressing his cheeks softly. To feel his lips to his own, to feel his warmth when they would cuddle, he missed everything about him.

Nat pulled up to the compound, the others soon followed, they all gave Steve their condolences and went their separate ways, Nat walked Steve to his room.

"Just know that we're all here for you, we are goimg to help you through this" Nat promised Steve before he smiled sadly and closed the door.

Steve tried to sleep, but the feeling of emptiness and the fact that the man he loved was not there in bed with him weighed him down. He couldn't do this.

The razor slid down his wrist, his flesh opening and spilling blood. He lay down on the bathroom floor, waiting for his life to slip away.

"I'm on my way, sweetheart"




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