I Can't See You *Part One*

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A really angst series I came up with, enjoy!

"I'm here! I'm here! Where is he!? Where is he?!" Steve asked as he ran into the Hospital, Sam and Natasha stopped him in his tracks, "Steve calm down--" "where's Bucky, Romenov?" Nat sighed before answering, "during the mission, we lost com connection with him, we looked for half an hour after we finished fighting. We found him on the ground, the back of his head was bleeding. Badly".

Steve took it all in, it hurt him that his Bucky was hurt, what would happen to him? Would he make it? What if he loses Bucky? Only one way to find out, I guess.

Steve waited anxiously, Nat and Sam tried to be supportive but nothing was working, he couldn't stop shaking, after what seemed like a lifetime, a nurse came into the waiting room, "Steve Rogers?" The white coated woman called out.

Steve basically sprung out of his seat, he jogged over to her, "I'm here, is he okay?" The nurse checked her clipboard, "he's stable, but he'll be unconscious for a while" she stated and Steve almost fainted, he staggered backwards and hit a wall he took deep breaths before asking if he could see Bucky, the nurse said yes and lead him to Bucky's hospital room.

on a bed, head wrapped in bandages and an oxygen mask on his face, laid Bucky. Steve rushed his side, grabbed his lovers hand and gently rubbed his shoulder "oh sweetie, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, honey" tears threatened to fall from his eyes, but he held it in best he could.

The nurse stood on the other side of the bed, "we don't know exactly how long he'll be asleep for, but we think it won't be too long" she talked to Steve but he wasn't listening, he looked at the burnet's sleeping face, praying for it to move, make a sound, just-- just something. But he got nothing.

"Can I be alone with him?" Steve asked and the women nodded and walked out quietly. The blonde could no longer hold in his emotions, tears fell and he began to sob loudly, he grabbed Bucky's flesh hand and lifted it to his face. He kissed the back of it and placed the skin against his cheek "I'm so sorry, I- I should have been with you, I swore to protect you, I'm so so sorry, sweetie".

"Its not your fault, Steve"

The blonde looked away from Bucky to see Nat and Sam standing next to him, the red head placed a hand on his shoulder and lightly squeezed it, "we've all done our best, all we can do now is wait" Steve turned his head back to the love of his life and nodded in response, knowing she was right. "You guys should go home, you've had a tough day" Steve said, still looking at his Bucky "what about you?" Sam responded, "I'll be here, with him. I owe him this" Sam nodded and clapped the Captains shoulder, Natasha kissed his cheek and they both left without another word.

So yeah, this'll be a series, I can't wait for yall to read this! Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 4K READS HOLY CRAP NUGGETS!!! I love you all so much like you don't even know, your comments make me feel so happy and I can't thank you enough, again I love you all so much, have a great day/night! 💜

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