The Public

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This was requested by @Marvlefangirl2004 I hope you like it! 💜

Bucky and Steve were coming out today, not to the Avengers (they'd already done that) but to the public.

The Avengers were invited to a panel, they would be asked questions by the interviewer and some of the many thousands who were attending, Steve and Bucky thought it was the perfect way to come out.

The Avengers were lined up off stage waiting for a stage hand to tell them to go, Steve and Bucky were at the back, then Nat, Wanda, Vision, Clint, Tony, and Thor was too busy to attend.

"Okay, Walking on in Thirty seconds" the Stage hand called to them, Steve's nerves began to get the better of him so he reached out and grabbed Bucky's hand.

"What's wrong, baby?" Bucky said softly after he turned around and cupped Steve's cheek with his metal hand, Steve leaned into the cool metal still holding tightly onto his partners flesh hand, "I'm nervous, Buck. What if-- what if they don't accept us? What if we're surrounded by hatred for the rest of our lives? I don't know what I'd do, I-" Bucky cut him off with a kiss.

Softly brushing his lips against Steve's, he felt the blonde relax into the kiss, he broke off from it and their foreheads pressed together, "whether they like it or not, Its our life Steve, what the public thinks is not going to stop me from loving you, nothing will stop me from loving you actually" the burnet had hold of Steve's arms now, not wanting to let go but they had to, the stage hand called them onto the stage.

The crowd cheered as they walked on, The Avengers waved before sitting on the couch that was set up for them.

The interviewer asked the his chosen questions and then it was the crowds turn, a girl asked Natasha what is her role when they weren't on missions, which she answered it was babysitting everyone which everyone laughed at, a little boy asked Tony how much money he has, a teenaged boy asked Clint for archery tips, a little girl asked Wanda about her powers, etc.

Then a teenaged girl stood in front of a microphone and spoke "so Captain America, what's your favorite thing about the present?" Steve nodded before talking into his own mic "well, its very diverse, obviously LGBTQ+ people were not allowed to express themselves the way they do now, it also gives me the courage to do this" a few confused noises came from the crowd but all was made clear when Steve placed his mic down and pulled Bucky out of his seat and pulled him close, placing his lips on his.

The crowd. Went. Nuts.

All on their feet, screaming out at the top of their lungs, friends hugged others pumped fists, Steve and Bucky broke away from each other looking into each others eyes "what were you worried about again?" Bucky asked jokingly and Steve chuckled before pressing his lips on Bucky's ounce again.

After the kiss ended the crowd was still yelling but a lot more calm than they were before, the couple sat back down and questions continued for another hour before the panel was over.

Steve and Bucky walked into the living room of the compound to find all the Avengers looking at their phones or tablets, "uhhh, what are you guys doing?" Steve asked them and Nat looked up. "You've officially broken the internet. I mean look! Fan arts, fan fiction, reaction videos, cosplays, social media hashtags, you have a ship name, its insane!" The red head chimed before Tony piped in "your on EVERY news channel we can find, some are even writing thank you letters for being not only a symbol to the nation but a symbol to the LGBTQ+ society".

Bucky smiled and turned to Steve "I told you they'd love us" Steve grabbed Bucky's hand and squeezed it.

The couple got married two years later.

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