🕸Spider Kid Found Out🕸

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In honor of Spiderman staying in the MCU I thought I'd write a oneshot were our lil' Petey finds out about Steve and Bucky (takes place a while after Endgame and Far From Home)

Peter's POV

I was returning to the Avengers compound from a tough week at school (Aunt May let's me stay the night on Fridays) its cool seeing everyone, if I'm lucky, King T'challa will be visiting along with Shuri. We're really good friends, we do science stuff together and pull pranks on everyone. Except Miss Carol, I won't go into details about that.

Anyway I swing and landed in front of the entrance of the compound, I opened the door and made NY way to the kitchen, normally someone would be in there but today it was silent, I grabbed a sprite can front the fridge and went to the living room and--- "OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!"

Bucky's POV

I had Steve pressed against the back of the couch, kissing him roughly. He groaned and moaned into my mouth as my tongue danced with his, my hands cupping his face and his hands on my hips, I didn't plan on pulling away until I heard it "OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" I turned my head towards the shout, so did Steve. And there was Peter, standing at the entrance, eyes wide with a sprite can in his hand, precious thing.

"Uuhh, hi Peter" Steve said with a very visible blush on his face, "so uuuh. How long has this been going on?" the poor kid asked, eyes still wide. "about six or seven times longer than you've been alive" I answered, Peter nodded.

Peter's POV

I. Am. Shooketh. Like seriously. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers, dating, I'm happy for them, being bi myself, but its just so surprising. "Does anyone else know?" I asked without thinking, "actually, your the first to know" Mr Rogers answered my question, I raised my eyebrows "I'm honored. uh. Well, I'm just gonna go to my room and I'm assuming you won't want me to talk about it?" I asked, kinda knowing the answer "yeah, no, don't tell anyone" Mr Barnes replied. I nodded "OK, I'll see you two around then!" waved before exiting the living room.

Bucky's POV

"Bye, Pete!" I called after the kid as he left, I looked at Steve. His blush wasn't as deep now, but it was still there "don't look at me like that, it could have been worse" my boyfriend nodded "you do have a point, i guess I just didn't think Peter would be the first to find out about us" I chuckled "yeah, but whatever. He said he won't tell, so it might be fine" Steve nodded again and I kissed his forehead

Funny enough, Peter was first to find out me and Steve were engaged a year Later.

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