I've missed you

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Steve awoke to the sound of a car horn beeping, he sat up and looked around. He was on a sidewalk, was he in... Brooklyn? Not just Brooklyn, 40s Brooklyn.

Steve stood up from his spot on the sidewalk, everything was so familiar, the streets the buildings, everything.
And invisible rope began pulling Steve, he had a hunch on where it was taking him, god he hoped he was right.

And he was, he was heading towards his old apartment. The place him and Bucky lived in for so many years, the memories flooded back to him, all the nights they'd spend just dancing to music and the cuddling on the couch or in bed. He smiled as he closed in on the stairs to the building.

He was at the door now, it was unlocked so he opened it. The nostalgia hit him like a bus, everything was the same, the open kitchen overseeing the living room, the record player by the couch, He made his way over to the besroom.

And there he was, clear as day, Bucky. My Bucky.

He was in his War uniform facing the small mirror on the wall, he notices me and turns around "who are you?" He asks and I shiver, "if I tell you, I don't think you'll believe me" he began to walk my way, a confused look on his face.

He's half a meter away from me, I resist the urge to reach out and hug him, I've missed him so much. He stated deep into my eyes searching for an answer, "wait, I know you" he brought his hands to my face "my little punk" he breathed out with a smile, I chuckled before he pulled me forward and kissed me.

His lips were so soft, just like I remember. He slowly brushed my lips with his as his hands caressed my cheeks and beard softly.

Tears begin to fall, he notices and pulls away, "baby doll, what's wrong?" He asks leading me to the foot of the bed so we sat down on it, "I've missed you so much, Bucky" I began to sob, he pulls me into him so my face is in his neck.

"I missed you too, Steve, I missed you too" his voice faded as his sentence finished, everything fell into darkness.

I woke up, a pillow in my arms. I was in my room at the compound, I sat up, sheets falling to my lap. I cried into my hands, it was just a dream.

I need him back, but he's gone. Thanos took him and my friends away, why did it have to be him after everything he went through?

I lied down again, wallowing in my despair unti I fell asleep.

This turned out shorter than I thought, whoopsie

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