🎄Merry Christmas🎄

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A/N happy December everyone!!! So in honor of the month of joy and giving, I'd thought I'd do a Christmas chapter, enjoy! 🎄🎄🎁🎁🎅🎅

Post serum

It was Christmas Eve, The Avengers were decorating the entire compound, Natasha hung tinsel in rooms from corner to corner of the roof, Clint and Bruce hung wreaths on every door they could possibly find, Wanda decorated the tree with her magic while Vision questioned her what this so called "holiday" was about, Tony, Pepper and Peter went Shopping for presents, Sam hang Mistletoe, hoping to get a bit of action from his favorite gay couple, Steve and Bucky.

Steve and Bucky had been dating for a good two years now, it was amazing, Bucky was Steve's entire universe, they were inseparable, Bucky was all Steve wanted and needed, weather they were just cuddling on the couch kissing each other softly, or dancing under the stars gazing deep into each other's eyes, it didn't matter, as long as they were together, Bucky was his and his alone and no one could change that.

Bucky felt the exact same way, Steve was always there for him, whenever he had a dreaded nightmare he would hold him close and tell him everything was okay and that nothing would ever hurt him again, he felt safe with him, anything felt possible when they were together, his heart would be incomplete without Steve, his Stevie.

Steve was planning a surprise for his boyfriend, he only told Natasha about it since she was really good at keeping secrets, she also helped him prepare it, which he was really greatful for since this would be game changing for him and Bucky, he was quite nervous about tonight, he hoped with all his heart that Bucky would like his gift.

He opened the door to his and Bucky's room and stepped inside "Buck, honey, you in?" He called out to him "in here, Stevie" Bucky answered coming from the bedroom, he casually walked into the room to find his love wearing a gray sweatshirt and black track pants, his hair in a ponytail, with his back to him why does he always look so cute? The blonde asked himself, he walked up from behind him and slided his hands around his waist and placed soft butterfly kisses on the back of his neck, Bucky giggled "hey, babydoll" he raised his flesh hand to his boyfriends cheek "hey, sweetheart" the blonde whispered back to him, placing kisses on his cheek, making his way up to the temple, a soft moan left the burnett's throat, enjoying the affection.

Steve released his hands from the burnett's waist and turned his lover around to face him, Bucky wrapped his arms around his waist as the Captain cupped the burnett's face and took in his features, his stormy eyes gazing into his baby blues, wishing it could be like this forever, "god you're so beautiful, my love" he spoke softly to his boyfriend "not to bad yourself, babydoll" and with that, the gap between them was closed in a soft but passionate kiss.

Steve pulled the hair tie out of Bucky's hair to run his fingers through the soft and silky strands of Bucky's hair, the burnett grinned against Steve's lips, humming in appreciation before they both realized they had to breathe, Steve pulled away and smiled sweetly "oh right, I have something for you" Bucky raised his eyebrows "do you now, what is it?" He smirked, "I'll show you, its outside and you need to be blindfolded" Bucky chuckled "okay punk, let's do it" Steve stepped away from the embrace and went to the nearest closet, he opened the door, reached in, and pulled out a tie that probably hadn't been worn in god knows how long, he tied the fabric around Bucky's head and took his flesh hand "your not gonna let me walk into anything are you?" He asked squeezing the blonde's hand "just trust me, honey" he answered taking his metal hand in his.

A few minutes later, the two super soliders were outside in the cold night, Steve guiding his lover slowly "Steve, what is happening, can you just tell me?" The burnett was so confused it actually looked adorable.

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