What a way to find out

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This is ounce again requested by Marvlefangirl2004, its not exactly what you asked for but I hope you like it! 💜

Steve hated it when Bucky went on missions.

Every time the burnett was called to a mission the blonde insisted on coming, a few times he did but recently Bucky was getting better with all his nightmares and yakity yak, so he wanted to get used to going without Steve, the blonde wanted to argue but he had to face the fact that his secret boyfriend was right.

They still hadn't told the Avengers about their relationship, they just wanted to share it with each other for now.

Steve lyed down on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Waiting, waiting, waiting. His phone rang.

The noise filled the room, without even bothering to check who it was, he picked up the device from the coffee table and pressed the green button, "hello?" He spoke into the receiver, "hey, Steve" a feminine voice answered. It was Nat, she didn't sound happy.

"Hey, Nat. What's wrong? Is everything okay?" His words were rushed. Nat sighed, "Bucky he-" she paused "he was doing great. Until a hydra agent popped up outta nowhere and shot him, twice in the chest and one in the leg, we are keeping him stable 'till we get to the hospital" Nat knew this would break his heart but she also knew she couldn't lie to him, so she just said it how it is.

Steve froze in his place, a thousand emotions filled his head. Fear, anger, worry, guilt and desperation hit him all at once, it hurt to breathe. He had to get to Bucky while he still could.

Steve's POV

I paced back and forth in the hospital until I saw him, the love of my life being pushed on a stretcher by some doctors and a few nurses along with Nat following behind, through the doors and down the hallway, bloody bandages over his bullet holes. His eyes slightly open.

I tried to get to his side but the nurses grabbed my arms and tried to pull me back, I thrashed out of their grip calling his name, but a red head woman stopped me in my tracks, "Steve, Steve. Calm down, let them do their job" Nat demands whilst having her hands against my shoulders, I knew better than to disagree with the Black Widow so I staggered over to a chair and slumped down, I began to sob into my hands and I heard Nat sit beside me.

Nat's POV

Poor Steve, I felt horrible for him. I knew how much he cared about his friend, though I was certain that there was more to the story. I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, he looked up from his hands, his eyes were red but I could see the utter fear and sadness, he whispered to me "I love him, Nat".

Steve's POV

Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. I lost my control and just blurted it out, Nat did nothing, she didn't look shocked or disgusted. She pulled me into a hug and I greatfully hugged her back, "I know, Steve. I know" she whispered in my ear "how?" I asked her but I knew the answer "I see the way you look at each other, and like I said, you're a terrible liar".


Four hours.

Four hours and still nothing about Bucky, tears slipping through every ounce and a while. The Avengers (who came an hour after I arrived) comforted me and I fake smiled back.

After another half an hour of waiting I began to fear the worst, what if he's dead? What if lost him for good?

"Steve, a nurse is coming" Nat snapped out my trance and I shot up from my seat and turned to the woman in a white coat walking towards us.

"Steve Rogers?" She asked, I nodded instantly "he lost a lot of blood but hes stable, though he'll be in a coma for a while" she said professionally and I sighed in relief, my legs grew weak and I moved to lean against the wall, he was okay. My baby was okay, I immediately asked if I could see him, she said yes and lead me to his hospital room.

She opened the door for me and we both quietly walked in, and there he was...

Lyed down on a hospital bed, clean white bandages wrapped around his chest and leg, an oxygen mask over his face, drips and monitors attached to him, my heart hurt. The lump in my throat rised slowly.

I went to his side and took his hand in mine, I squeezed it tightly. Tears threatening to fall but I just manage to keep it together. I look at the nurse "do you know how long he'll be asleep for?" She places her clipboard on the small drawers next to Buckys bed, "about three weeks at the most, we're not certain" she answers as I shift my gaze back to my boyfriend.

"Can he hear us?" I ask

"A familiar voice would help a lot, though he won't show any conscious response, talking about happy things will indeed help" she replied professionally and she left me alone with him.

I look at him, I don't know what to say. So I just say what I want to say.

"Hey, Buck. I hope you can hear me, if you can I want you to listen. You've been through hell and back more than once, not only does it hurt you it hurts me seeing you this way. I hope you know how much you mean to me. There's so many ways I can tell you that I love you but none of them meet the actual amount. You are the reason I keep going, the reason I have to be happy. If I could give you the world I would. And if you die, I'll have to as well, theres no choice. I know I've made a lot of promises but this I swear, I will give you love till the day I die. Till the end of the line, pal. I love you. So much"

I leaned over him and kissed his forehead, he lyed there silently, the beeping of the heart monitor filled the room.


I stayed with him for the next two weeks, never left the hospital. I talked to him about how I would tend to his needs when we got home, the good old days in the 40's, the future that gets closer by the minute, etc. He never moved during those two weeks.

One night, I was sleeping in the chair next to Buckys' bed, I heard a small groan. At first I thought it was me but I heard it again but this time louder, I opened my eyes to reveal Bucky removing his oxygen mask from his face, he tossed it to the side and began looking at his surroundings "Steve, Steve! Where are you?!" I grabbed him and pulled him into my body, "shhhh, shhhh Bucky I'm here, I'm here, I got you baby, I got you".

He cried and cried into my chest, I held him close and soothed him gently, his breathing was fast and he was shaking very badly, I moved a little so I could look him in the face, his beautiful grey eyes looked so scared. "Steve, the Hydra agent he-" I cut him off with a soft kiss, I pulled him closer before breaking off "don't say it, okay? Just try to forget it" I told him and I pulled him closer if that was even possible "I love you too, Steve" he whispered to me and I smile "you heard me?" I asked knowing the answer. "Every word" he said.


A few days later, Bucky was discharged. They came out to the rest of the Avengers and were immediately supported, "what a way to find out" Tony sassed when they did. A month later Steve proposed to Bucky did not hesitate to say yes. They were finally happy.

I felt like an ass leaving this unfinished to write my new book so here it is! Speaking of my new book its a Valkarol AU called "Arc Of Ancients" so check it out!!! Love you guys 3000 💜💜💜

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